Help quoting

Hello guys l, I need some guidance on quoting this job. This guy wants the sidewalks done, the siding, ceiling, and front of the tall structure clean, gutters, only the roof that can be seen clean, not the entire roof, and the siding of the two rectangular structures clean as well.

What part of quoting do you need guidance on?

I like the kiss method, treefiddy times 3-4 should do it.


I want it broken down. Roof, sidings, gutter, wallways

Lol, get one of the guys to wash it as well.


Can I give the “how long it will take, what materials you will use, and how much you need to make” answer yet, or am I too new still? :smiley:


I already have a ball park figure, I’m just looking fo hear others suggestions. I’m on here trying to make money and feed my family, so if you anyone cant give me any sound advice, then dont respond to my post.

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We are all on here trying to feed our families, so drop that act quick. I can assure you my family is a lot more important than yours, and vice versa I’m sure, so speak like an adult here. The pics you posted are of a dump and the odds are, if you give a legit price the owner won’t go for it. You can get most any advice on this forum, except pricing. It varies by region and by the legitimacy of the contractors here. some one charge $600, others $2500. Either way, its a 4 or 5 hour job so charge accordingly. If you don’t like the advice given, don’t ask. It doesn’t work the other way around. Good luck


All that rust, yikes. Like William said it’s going to need a lot if work and I seriously doubt they’ll be willing to pay.


I’d be at about $900 for all that, but from what I have read Florida pricing is a whole different ballgame since you can’t swing a dead cat around without hitting 12 pressure wash contractors.

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I’m slow and new, that job would take me all day. I’d also be hitting those concrete bumpers because a clean sidewalk is gonna make them look like trash. $1200 for me: $400 roof, $400 siding/facade/overhang, $300 sidewalk + bumpers, $100 rust removal


Thanks for your response, however, I’m not on here to play games, you either can help or you cannot. What I dont know, I remain silent on, and that’s what we should do when we cant answer someone’s question. Its folks on here with way more knowledge and experience then myself. Sorry I really dont have a sense of humor when it comes down to me closing on a job. No pun intended to anyone on here, but some responses were not helpful at all. By the way, thanks for the last segment of your narrative, that was very informative. I had 2500 in my mind.

How do you usually quote jobs? Have you ever done a job before?

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You may not be here to play games, but you can be respectful and act like a human. You have been given advice here before and you have no response or thanks afterwards. You haven’t introduced yourself. You bounce in when you want something spoon fed to you and get upset of you don’t get exactly what you want. Relax. Say hi. Be civil. No one here owes you anything, but most will need over backwards to help someone that isn’t being untoward.

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I do mainly residential, so when I come across a commercial job, I try not to under bid…

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This doesn’t seem too much different than a roof, drive and siding for a large house, definitely not anything huge where I think you would struggle to get a price


That’s exactly what it is. The word “commercial” does funny things to people.


Sir, I really dont go back and forth on a computer. However, I said nothing disrespectful to anybody. I introduced myself months ago, sorry if you missed that. You have no ideal who I thank on this forum. Just because innocentbystander didnt see me post it doesnt mean I didnt, and furthermore, my response was not even directed towards you in the first place. How am I not acting humanly, because I desire sincere responses. What is so inhumane about that. I simply said, if you dont have an answer then dont post, but thats inhumane, ok. I understand our words can carry different connotations and tones, but not once was I upset. Spoon fed? Ok, I’ll let you assume what you like. I have nothing to prove to another grown man. This is what asking g for advice gets you nowadays.

Not sure if you realize it, but all your posts are here for anyone to read. You haven’t introduced yourself or thanked anyone for previous advice. You lying about it doesn’t help your cause. Either way, do as you will. My take on you it’s to ignore you, so win win for us both.

May 19th sir I introduced where I was from. After giving advice on what I knew. I said how do you know who I thanked or didnt. No, I didnt know our posts were open to the public. I never said I thanked anyone, but how do you know. Good choice we can ignore each other. Two grown men cant get along on a freaking computer…