Help - does this layout look right?

There’s so much room for activities in there.


Hopefully not for too long. Also, the IBC tote isn’t in there yet. I had it out to clean - was pretty nasty inside and out.

The plan is to mirror this setup on the passenger side ASAP. But, passenger side will have Honda GX690 with a belt drive Udor. This will end up being the main side, which is the reason I have mounted the “beginner gear” on the drivers side.

Why not have an access door cut out on passenger side door big enough to run reels out of? That way your not having to back into everyones driveway or run hoses at an angle.

Also you may want to consider a doorway tank, for your buffer, it will take up a lot less floor space. Thats what the tank looks like. (not my truck just one i like)



Is that @GuyB truck? Looks like it. Yeah, I like it too. Talked to him a little about what I was doing - or mainly what he did and how its been working out. Really like the doorway tank too - in my future. Thought about reel access on curbside, but I don’t think it is a long enough truck. Remember, the eventual (final) setup will be 2 machines and 4 reels - hard to fit 1 machine and 4 reels on one side of this truck.

Hopefully things go good and I have to think about another build in a couple years. Live and learn with this one, and apply the knowledge to the next one.


Then mount both machines on the left, and all the reels on the right. Just a thought :thinking:

You could mount them in a variety of ways, thing is I designed our layout for maximum balance, space, and efficiency, or at least my version of it…been working great the last 3 or 4 years now.

@GuyB always leave room for emergency can of spam

How do you fill the fuel tanks? Are they strapped down?