Help configuring my trailer

I finally bought an aluminum Titan reel, 200’ of hose and other assorted fittings. It looks like even with the machine’s cart taken off I can’t fit the hose reel on the floor.

I can take the garden hose reel off the ceiling, and maybe bolt the reel up there. The buffer tank is going inside the trailer…somewhere.

I have been using a Zero G style hose for supply lately, the Flexzilla is optional at this point.

Any suggestions?

Yes. Get a bigger trailer.


Just kidding! I’d probably shove the tank as far forward as possible and run your plumbing along one wall to free up floor space. With enclosed trailers you can really get creative. I saw one guy on here that mounted his surface cleaner on the ceiling. Put hooks on the doors and hang stuff from there as well.

So reel from ceiling (hoping it doesn’t bend something), tank as far forward as possible and machine sideways up front?

I wouldn’t mount the reel on the ceiling but that’s just me. It would be a pain in the neck to reel up 200’ of hose full of water at that height. Do this: Trace all of your equipment’s footprints onto cardboard and then play around with the cardboard set up in different areas to see what works best

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Is it 5 feet wide?

Pretty sure that was @Clean_Blue - Can’t find the pic, but he made a ceiling mounted front end cubby for the head of the surface cleaner with the arms secured up top as well. Not sure how else to describe it, but it’s pretty sweet. Lol


Double stack the reels on one side. Machine on other side.

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Machine won’t fit, too wide. Trailer is 57" wide.



Turn the machine sideways? It looks like plenty of space in the pic. And yes, I am accounting for the handle you have yet to install on the reel :wink:

Those two pictures should give you a lot of ideas. Notice how he has his plumbing run across the ceiling go keep it from cluttering the floor. Also keeps you from tripping over it and knocking your teeth out on the handle of your machine.

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I second @Innocentbystander and get a stacking kit for the reels. Get as much stuff off the floor as possible. Hang hoses and build a shelf or 2.

Do they sell a stacking kit that will work with the Walmart hose reel he’s using for his supply hose? Not judging at all. I just didn’t think that would be a thing

I have a 6x10 with a side door but you can still do a lot with an enclosed


Good eye! Yeah that handle will probably add another 6" or so of width to the reel so account for that.

I love it. Are those Hotsy belt drives?

He could always do this hack:

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He definitely could. Are those cabinet handles?

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