To begin I don’t want pricing. I’m curious if you guys up charge for heavy mildew or do you just roll with standard pricing and push to get a repeat? Reason being I recently cleaned this house. I will admit I underestimated it a bit, but I know it won’t be near as bad next time.
You could Bump it up if you go there physically to price it up. If your giving a price digitally it might be a little harder to justify come time to invoice.
Came out nice
Nah, I live for dirty houses like that.
Thank you. I was there, that happened to be the neighbor’s that came over to have me wash. I had a little higher expectation of my mix magically erasing the mildew with out the brush. After about the second time of wash I just hit the heavy with a hot mix on the sprayer and brushed some real bad spots. @dcbrock I live more for the results I wish it all would just melt away in 3 min and rinse in 30seconds.
That’s a regular house wash for me! These are my favorite sides to wash - the customer is stoked, the neighbor who has to look at that side of the house is stoked, and these make for great before and after photos for advertising.
What strength mix were you using?. With no vegetation to be seen I would have hit that sucker with some 3% would have melted quicker than my pepperoni pizza in a pre heated oven.
I don’t remember the last time I got out a brush. That house isn’t that bad. Seems to have average amount of mildew. 1% mix should take care of that. May have to hit it twice…but soap that side first and let it dwell. If you do two sides at same time…soap the worst side first…soap second side…rinse second side…rinse first side.
About the only thing I’ve thought about upcharging for is Lichens. Regular mildew like pictured should melt off with a decently hot mix downstreamed, maybe 2-3 applications spaced apart. If you’re working a large enough portion of the house, going back to re-treat the trouble areas shouldn’t be that much of a problem.
But the lichens I’ve found will sometimes only come off with a bit of persistence up close with my 5° soap nozzle. Enough to disturb oxidation if I’m not careful. They can be a real timesuck if there’s a lot present.
We only up charge if the customers name contain hustle or muscle
Yes! Frustrating little buggers.
SH is cheap.
Unless you have a small machine, non professional, it will take you too long.
But as a sales gimmick you can charge more, go for it
That’s mean! I’ve seen your roof cleaning, I still would have given you a 5 star rating Just to be nice if anything
@MuscleMyHustle @Infinity @Barry1 I think it’s my lack of patience. Would a 10 min dwell time be too long? I usually go around 5-7 min. I’m getting around 1-1.2% on the wall. Thanks guys I was just curious. It had plants growing in the chimney
Did this one in my neighborhood this afternoon. Hit it twice with my regular mix and watched it go away before rinsing. Dwell time for each application was about 3 minutes. No upcharge. Just good, clean, business.
Dwell time can vary. Once it turns brown it’ll rinse off. If it takes too long to turn brown don’t dilute your SH down as much before down streaming. I like a stronger mix so I only need about 5 minute dwell time. That house above is pretty normal as far as algae goes. Something like that might take a couple applications though.
I’m pulling about 10:1. I don’t dilute so it could be my source. It’s a pool store but they only sell 1gal cases 12.5%. I have another place that has a huge tank they pull from it’s 10% and there’s a place I have yet to try that sells it by the drum.
If you’re pulling 10:1 you should be fine. If you get a real bad house just hit it a few times before rinsing. You want all the green to turn brown and it’ll rinse right off. What size chem injector are you using? I assume you have a 5.5 gpm. If so give the 1.8 injector a try. That might get you a stronger mix. Although, if you’re getting 1.2% at the gun that should be plenty.
It’s a gp highdraw.
Well all this time… I really don’t want to talk about it but I never thought to give it a couple good blast during well if you’re going to be dumb you gotta be tough.