Has anyone done this before?

I put this together earlier today and my plan is to use these in neighborhoods where all the homes are similar. I will list the prices I charged in the table and if a client didn’t use all my services I would just put what it would have costed them (I’ll figure out a way to specify this in writing). I’ll do my five arounds and instead of getting price shopping neighbors they will already have a relative idea of what it is going to cost. I’ll probably just avoid handing them out to stucco or brick homes.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you had success if you have done this already?

Not sure how some customers would take having how much they spent shared. Just my two cents, maybe either put a rough amount for the house you are hanging on or some sort of call to action offer.


Maybe instead of saying “their prices were” I would say “a ballpark figure for your home would be”


If you do a good job the neighbors will notice. I just leave my card with them and offer a discount on the next wash if they tell the neighbors has always worked for me

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@squidskc does something similar and I intend to as well. But I recommend saying you cleaned the neighbors house but not how much. Then leave an estimate for their house based on what you see from the front. For the back I would put Patio XX/Pool XX/ Deck XX maybe.

Needs logo, a picture of you. I agree with others. Offer a neighbor 10% off or something. I wouldn’t specific prices.

Needs more social proof like a bbb or goog or facebook five star.

Also needs call to action.

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This hangs on a door.

I agree with @onebluesummer. It could use some work. I would offer a coupon like $25 off or something. Maybe just hire someone to make them. There are a couple members on here that offer marketing materials. I paid $185 for 500 door hangers which included design and free shipping. It might not be the cheapest price but he does great work.


Right now vista print is asking $168 for 2000 door hangers any design template you want or upload your own. Front and back full color. That’s with a discount code but they offer them all the time.

I use something similar. I just put the estimate for their house to be washed. In my area I only put out hangars in the lower income neighborhoods.

Most of the nicer ones have pretty strict no solicitation policies. All it takes is one grumpy grandma taking a picture of your door hangar and posting a hateful post on next door like “this guy has no respect for our bylaws and covenants. We should only use contractors that abide by the rules”, and your name goes down the garbage in that neighborhood.

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Get someone else to design it. It screams cheap. Door Hangers. Again