They typically last about 4000 hours or 2 years. I’ve only been on Hondas for about 6 years. Before that it was Kohler’s and Briggs. Briggs were lucky to get 2000 hours.
I’ve replaced about 5 due to just wearing them out and six when my shop was flooded
You pulled that off a lawnsite forum. That’s the high paid engineers you’re talking about. Please. Lol. I posted the manual for you to read it yourself. If you follow the recommendation of some lawn guy over the manufacturer, then so be it.
I posted the first thing I found on my phone. I can screen shot dozens if you like. You keep stating stuff about Hondas. I an stating fact about air cooled engines. I’m not trying to change your mind. It’s your equipment. My point is to give info to new guys that want to keep their equipment running
No need to screenshot dozens. Just one from some high tech engineers. Just kidding. As long as you’re not lugging the engine, I just don’t think you’re hurting it. But you’re right I’m not a small engine expert.
I’ve seen some say that the best rpm for engine performance is closest to the peak of the torque curve. The theory that belt drive pumps last longer do to less revolutions, should also be true for engines. Which is probably the main reason diesels last longer than gas engines. And technically, a governed small engine is throttled down from true wot in the first place.
Ok I got off the phone with our main local Honda certified repair shop.
Honda recommends running at WOT as a norm just because the fan can cool the engine more efficiently than at a slightly lower RPM. He said the fuelng can be altered as well but throttling back up will clear the combustion chamber of anything unburned.
I did ask about go karts specifically, he said the GX engine box says in big letters to not use for that purpose but “they do it anyway” and have to get them replaced on a regular basis.
It doesn’t hurt the engine to run them a bit lower from time to time but they are happiest at WOT. That’s the bottom line.
Good research
Y’all could quit all that research though if everyone just took what I said as the gospel. Humor. That was humor. Kinda lol
Lesson learned. I’ll always run my machine wide open
Well ok then, occasionally I’ll run 3/4 to get the job done. I’m good with that thanks.
“It doesn’t hurt the engine to run them a bit lower from time to time” I knew it wouldn’t hurt the engine, but if they’re happiest wide open, that’s where I’ll run it.