Full flow garden hose Y splitter?

I sure could use a fresh one! What’s working for you? Everything from the search bar is obsolete.

Just bought a stack of them from HF for $4/ea…IDK what the flow is, but if I’m splitting it I’d assume I’m getting enough to bother

I use these

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The one I have works well but it’s basically 2 tiny ball valves with less than a 1/4" opening on each side. My puny rig needs all the flow it can get. I’ll put something together if push comes to shove.

Good stuff! I’ve been eyeballing that one. I’ll give it a go!

“eyeballing” a y-splitter?

In related news I almost bought this t-shirt for $5 the other day, but I thought better of it
Screenshot 2023-02-17 190513


Now I have to pick on you haha. I’m not worried about the 10 bucks. I need flow dude!

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Have to look around. I’ve never found one that’s a true full flow but I’ve got some that are close-ish. Don’t bother with the pencil sized ones. Way too restrictive.

Preeshate it dewd! I’ve considered getting something like this & building something legit with real ball valves if it comes to that. The openings in the one I have are significantly smaller than a fast food straw. My rig likes water.

Yeah the tiny orifice ones are just terrible. I’ve got a 45° bib adapter that I keep on the trailer for spigots that are too close to the wall to get my water hose connected to and even that little restriction can be noticable on some houses.

I’m confused…which is nothing new, but are we using a y-splitter to still only send water to a single destination? If we’re using one, it’s bc we’re trying to supply 2 trucks on a commercial job or something, then I don’t think the restriction is any real issue… :man_shrugging:

Are you trying to dual supply your rig or feed to different things?

The supply hose from the customer spigot goes to my Y splitter. One side goes to the buffer tank whip & the other is just there at the ready, wide open. I like being able to turn off incoming water at the tank & when the job is done, I open that extra valve to let the pressure out of the supply hose before rolling up. I could get by without it. But I like it. It’s a few notches below coffee.

Why wouldn’t you use a poly manifold so you would have maximum amount of flow. You could send water anywhere. Also set it up for dual feed

I always just used the second port for a 10’ hose to fill up pump sprayers, rinse buckets, wash hands, etc without having to unhook the buffer supply. Incredibly handy in my opinion.


I’m open for suggestions! I always thought the idea behind dual feed was to supply the tank from 2 separate spigots. I was just curious on what Y splitters folks are having success with these days. The one I have works fine but the orifice is barely big enough to squeeze a mouse fart through it. I definitely need all the flow I can get.

I do the same, just without the hose. It’ll be an eye washer if it ever needs to be. Very handy. I use it every day to depressurize the hose.

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What hose are you running? I like there to be some water in my hose to help keep it from being so flat on the reel. I don’t use a ball valve on it like some do but the Flexzilla really likes to lay down on the reel.

3/4" Flexzilla but I only use the reel to store 50 foot sections. I just roll off what I need & connect it to the whip on the buffer tank.

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especially when it hits the high 90s+ sitting in the sun…