Fence Cleaning Mistakes

Does the mosmatic swivel you use work under pressure?
I have a little swivel that came on the gun but it’s not that good

For sure

I don’t understand why you would use that CPR stuff. $27 for 2 lbs is not a good deal. a 50 lb pail of potassium is 188 delivered to your house. Sodium is about 160 for 45 lbs delivered.

Look, find the SDS for CPR, I’m betting without looking it is either sodium/potassium hydroxide or possibly sodium metasilicate. Just buy the chems, you will save hundreds in the long run.

I’m not busting your chops, it was the advice I was given here when I started and saves you money. Everything else is marketing and sales markups. For acids I just buy them from the zon, I have bought a lot from florida labs and they package them well.

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A flow unloader will fix that! It takes the pressure off when you’re not on the trigger, eliminates recoil & the hoses are much easier to drag around. I run my hoses in 50 foot sections & have a well behaved swivel every 50 feet. The job got much easier when I added a ZK1. Only regret is not doing it sooner.

Probably an option I could look in to. I think my suppliers only stock K7s and can’t be bothered with trying to figure that out

I hear ya loud and clear. CPR is just potassium hydroxide with some surfactant and other stuff. I get a 2 gallon bucket of the stuff for $175. Its easier for me to just pick it up at the landa dealership. I do use aluminum brightener as opposed to rust stain remover because of the massive price difference .I don’t mind shelling out an extra $20 here and there for convenience and security if something goes wrong. Nice to be able to call the company and get answers

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Sounds like you can supply yourself with equipment your suppliers can’t.

Yeah bit frustrating getting stuff shipped to NZ. Easier to just use what they have in stock and what they’re used to so I can get things fixed or easily replaced.

Oh my goodness! I had no clue & I tend to forget how far this forum reaches. At least you live in one of the most beautiful parts of the globe. Good for you! Plenty of folks around here have had great success with the K7 but I’ve never tried one. I don’t think you would regret giving it a try. Your trigger hand will thank you right away. I’m sure of that. Greetings from Tennessee!!!

Thanks mate, no worries. I have had washmart ship me some things and they have great service.

Great place to live.

I should try it, I’m sure I’d be able to make it work. I have a friendly competitor that uses k7s and loves them

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If it works, send it! Your competitors will just turn out to be coworkers once you talk to them. You might even find yourselves firing up the grill at some point or jamming on guitars. We’re all the same at the end of the day. Try out your friend’s K7 & you just might place an order.

You’ll have to forgive Jason. Being from Tennessee, we don’t let them out of the state unless they play football. The rest we keep locked up in there.


We’re trying to figure out how to keep people out these days. Any suggestions? Wire wheel cleaner isn’t working haha.

Yeah he’s a good guy. Helping him with a large commercial job next month. He’s running a 1inch air setup and 8gpm for washing.
He can move very fast with his gear and can put a lot of hot sauce down with his air. A ton of flow through his set up

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I’d love to see photos of this air setup in action! Never heard of such thing but all of my competitors that I’ve spoken to have turned out to be inspiring & decent folks. I’m always looking forward to seeing where this rabbit hole goes next. Carry on, friend!

The blue guns restrict his flow to their max. He tips down his flow to apply chem.
Think he said running without the blue gun he gets about 16gpm.
Nice set up and seems to be very reliable

I completely stopped with wood last year, and now all we do is low-pressure washing same as we would house siding to remove dirt and spider webs. Haven’t missed a beat business wise and I am much happier.

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Thats the dream but right now a wood cleaning gig is better than an empty calendar. I’ll probably always do driveways because I love them. They clean up so well and it makes such a massive difference in the way the home looks

I kind of like staining a fence or deck once in awhile, just for some variety. Wouldn’t want to do every day. Like doing a paver restoration. I like seeing the finished result. But about 1/month is perfect.

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We have to satisfy our creative side. Washing can get monotonous