That’s not true at all. Pull off what you need, lock the reel and wash.
I always start it and stop it with ball valve open, and open it up if im off trigger. Ide really rather have a tank for recirculation. Eventually ill hook up my 55 gallon.
Yeah i have 200ft of hose i rarely pull all of it off i dont even lock it i strap a bungee cord to side of trailer holding it down and it never moves anymore or gives me problems.
Yeah id love a bypass no room for another tank and i just started ball valving on start and stop unless im by the machine with gun in hand lol
The reason i dont lock mine any longer is 1st job with reel it did this to my lock but 2nd pic is a mock up of how id clip it in after i pull hose and it works amazing…i think ibs said a strong clip recommended when i had bird nesting issues but i randomly tried the bungee and its flawless )
My comment was predicated on having commercial grade equipment.
Yeah hence why i dont lock that pos anymore lol
And my comment was agreeing mainly you dont have to pull all your hose off the reel lol
Ive heard of that happening
Yeah like ibs said tho thats what i get skimping out on my reels after they told me to buy a better one lmao . But i dont lock mine i pull what i need out strap ny cord over where its at when i get it pulled and it doesnt move or cause problems with running
Don’t buy that junk. Wait a little longer and get either Titan or Hannay with the stainless internals. Titan’s made about 75miles from you.
I agree 100% with everything @Innocentbystander has said on the subject. Pull off what you need, run it thru the reel. that’s what they’re made for. I’ve replaced 2 $60 swivels in 8 years between 7 reels, that’s it. I do flush mine at EOD while I’m flushing injector for about 30 seconds.
@JAtkinson - either your guys didn’t spec the correct internals on the reels or completely abused them. No way those reels should have been like that. And I’d quit if you made me pull around 6000 2 wire all day. I use a lot of heat, hoses get run over on commercial and multifamily, etc and typically mine last about 600-800 hours.
Guys, if you’re going to grow your business, efficiency is everything. No wasted motions
@Racer What hose do you run?
Flextral, which is owned by Bridgestone. It’s blue on the truck and grey on the trailer. 4200psi 1 wire
IDK, something maybe I’ll look into down the line (the hose anyway). The QCs to the whip is a pretty easy setup (unless you have to pull something off to hit a missed spot), so i don’t see changing that one. Both are situations I inherited as “company standard” (both had been done the other way before, and changed for various reasons). If I were a betting man, I’d wager they were almost never well rinsed though.
Don’t have time to read every reply, but I’ll chime in with my 2¢:
Pressure reels usually have 1/2” manifolds, and large pumps typically have 1/2” outlets. So if you’re really worried about pressure loss, you can upgrade to all 1/2” plumbing between your machine and reel. The flow restriction of a 1/2” elbow is much, much less than that created by a 3/8” elbow.
For supply reels, I like using one with 1” plumbing. All my plumbing between reel and tank is 1”. I also have it all plumbed with camlocks so I can optionally bypass the reel, and double feed when needed.
I know Hannay is the gold standard, but AFAIK they don’t make aluminum reels, and I needed extra lightness for my tacoma build (it’s ridiculously heavy, as it is).
3 seasons so far of semi-fulltime use (I do window cleaning, too), and exposed to the New England elements 24/7/365, and my Titan reels are holding up just fine.
Good to know. I don’t have locks on titans most expensive electric reels. So for me it was an issue. Should of got a Hannay
You can always order a replacement lock assembly and install it on an electric reel. I have one on my Titan.