Probarbly a stupid question but flow is important. Im saving pennys to get a reel stack setup in my small 5x9 enclosed trailer. Due to tight setup logistics I need every inch. So without going into the whole plan, am I ok using a 90° turn on my HP out? If not can I go 45?
Test it out…but if you want the best flow, I’d avoid running through the reels at all. Some do, some refuse to, both have their upsides. Run a little test and see which works best for you.
Guess im a bit lost with your responce. You have multiple pro trucks with reels and not hose that is carried out and laid all by hand. Are you saying all the hose should be unwound even if only part of it? All pro rigs have reels so please further enlighten me to what you are saying. I have heard reels should be totally pulled out even if using part of it because of the problems the pressure can cause on hoses wrapoed in the reel. Talk to me
He keeps the hose on the reels with quick connects but uses a whip line to unhook and connect directly to machine each job…say pull hose out to 200ft you see thats enough for the whole house so you disconnect from the reel and quick connect directly to the whip line next to your reel…
I run through my reel atm but eventually id love to have my setup with a QC next to my reel that goes into my machine so i can do the same…Saves your reels from chem having to replace the swivels and other pieces so they last 5x longer probably.
I’ve always wondered why people even plumb their reels to begin with, except softwash reels of course. Why not just have a few 100 ft links and unlink what you need? Say you have 300 ft but only need 200, well the extra 100 on the reel is now being saved from wear and tear that is unnecessary…
I have a separate reel to run run chem through and its connected through a Y splitter to wash plain water through it at the end of the show. 35 gallon chem tank and Y valve splitter to water or whatever I want to run through it. Normally just water to clean the line and reel manifold as i dont use soap just SH.
You are loosing me here. Are you saying keep all the line hanging on hooks and do everything by hand and dont use reels? I always get a bit lost on opinions regarding reels. Im about to invest a lot of cash in a reel system so talk to me. My chem reel is 100ft and works great with a modified x jet gun, and if i dont need it i go bucket and short hose. But for HP and supply line talk to me
Its crazy. 40 year pros say run all your 200 feet hose out to go 50 feet . Other guys say just pull out what you need. I guess you just have to figure out what works for you as long as its not a major mistake. Ford or Chevy. Definitely it all comes down to what works for you. Rucker says pull it all out or the pressure on unrolled reel will be like a choke hold on the reel body and stress the hose. Guess its like rigging stage lighting where everyone has their own way.
I’m convinced everybody does this stuff different. I only use reels to store my hoses in 50 foot sections & unhook as little as I can get away with at a time. It’s all about what works for you.
Yes. And what type of jobs you do. Major commercial jobs require differences than driveways. I found General Pump reels for 150 and 300 feet for the same price. For me 150 feet works better. For others 300 feet is better. I can always run out 150 feet then add if I need more. My chem line is 100 feet but sometimes i dont need that and I bucket hook with 25 feet rather than going through the tank. Sometimes less is better. Sometimes more is better.
HP 90 s are fine… individual set up varies to efficiency… We run hose as needed without running through manifold. It’s how we have it set up. You’ll be fine w/ 90 s installed…
We have (3) coming off the pump…
Nice, thank you.
Pressure in the wound hose is something to consider…loss of pressure in going through the reel is an issue on the pressure hose, depending on your needs & build…chems running through the reel will eat it to sme extent.
Our pressure and chem reels each have 2 roughly 100’ hoses of the relevant hose. Pull off one or both, and use what you need. That’s what we’ve found worked best for us. When guys have gripes about something, I look for solutions, and we wind up where we wind up…
I figured you were using cordless by now.
No, poor wording sorry.
Simply put, I have 300 ft of hose on my reel. I pull out as much hose as I need and whatever is left (if any) stays on the reel. Then I just QC it to the machine.
If you think about it, it saves some of ur hose from being used all of the time. Pressure hose is expensive and this is just another way to help make things last.
On another topic, I’ve been using flextral superjet 6000 psi double braided hose for nine months and have yet to have any of it pop. Highly recommend.
Nice! We use whatever Russ sends me when I say “2-wire/6kpsi hose, 100’”
Loaded all the trucks with 200’ of it a year ago, not 1 pop yet that I’m aware of (probably about $200k worth of production on each one in that time, so I’m happy with it.
Rucker, lol. Hannah reel costs under $300 and will last about 10 years flowing bleach thru them. Leave your hose on the reel, unroll what you need, slap the locking pin and wash. I can’t fathom pulling off 250 ft of hose to wash something 10 ft from the truck or messing around hooking and unhooking quick connects and jump lines. It’s bad enough when a machine runs out of fuel or something and the guys unhook from the reel to hook up to the other machine instead of just rolling up hose and firing up the other machine.
Ill look into them. Right now im looking at the GP 50150 and the 50300.
IDK what happened before my time here, but we’ve got Hannays that are all eaten up inside, and we’ve only been in business 6 years…so they’re probably less than 4 (and we haven’t run anything thru them in over a year…)
The date on the reel I use every day is 2007