Does Anybody use a bucket truck or box truck?

Well update on my lil box truck. So it has a small exhaust leak which is just a gasket, working on fixing that. Got new tires put on. Got it painted, put 3 coats of bedliner in the floor and 12" up on the wall. Stating to get stuff moved over lil at time. Moved all my 12v system over working on mounting tanks in now. Had end up using a 55 gal drum for my mix tank for 12v system. The straps in pic are just temporary ran out of mounting brackets. Switching from my 275 gal tank to a 55 gal buffer tank. Just waiting till I have everything else before I start moving pw over dont wanna get started and end up not getting it done and end up having a job and be down. May not be top of the line but I’m very proud of my investment. May look funny to some ppl but this truck runs like a top.



I dig it

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That tracking on the side has a black rubber cover that stuff comes in handy, dont know if u can see but the piece above the reel has my supply hose running through it.

I like it cant wait to see it finished

Thanks @Donut and @Grizz, yea if everything goes as planned I’m hoping in the next week or two I have it all together.

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Made me a swinging wall for my supply reel and 12v reel



Does it swing out to face curbside?

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It will not swing all the way open but it will swing half way out of the truck. The hinges I had to use that would hold the weight kept me from getting it all the way open like I wanted. But my main reason for doing this way was floor space when not using.

Here’s pic of straight

Long as it 'll hold the weight when open you’re good to go.

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@Racer yea that was my worries. Each hinge has 150 lb weight limit, i gave it a lil test by putting all my weight on it and it didn’t move any. The wood is more of a template, my neighbor offered to build it out of metal once I got everything the way I wanted it. Next is pw hose reel on the other side and bolt down pw.

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That’s pretty cool man I dig it.

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I love the idea. You may think of separating though at some point. You’re going to need water every time, but the other maybe not so much. You could double hinge each one and that would be plenty stout enough I’d think

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Nice truck ! Are you going to do some vinyl letters on it ? Or wrap? Big blue letters would look nice

I’m digging your investment. Good work. Are you planning on doing anything for ventilation or will it be good enough with the engine towards the back?

@Genaroguzman I was gonna do wrap but I think for now gonna go cheaper route and blue litters was my thought to loo… @Harold on the ventilation yes I have 2 vents I’m gonna install and a 12v fan

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Well guys I’m done with putting everything in my truck for now until I start upgrading only thing left is putting in my vents.


Looks good. Nice and neat. Did you install the fan?

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@Harold thanks, and not yet i have some 12v brake fan that they use to cool racecar brakes off with. May plan is to install in the front in top corners when I cut in my vents. I just needed to hurry and get everything in and running. Now that I have it all ready to go I can slowly do any upgrade and improvements needed with lil down time.

If you stick to one machine, and where it’s at you don’t need vents or a fan. It’ll be fine