Hello everyone. Looking for some advice from those who have deck cleaning experience. My neighbor has asked me to freshen up his deck and stain it. After observation, there is no previous coating on the deck but there is heavy foot traffic and lots of algae growth; both on the deck and even more so on the 21 feet of stairs. The wood is in great shape; it just needs some TLC. We are also going to soft wash the vinyl ceiling, soffit’s and gutters above the deck prior to engaging that project with our 1% concentration of SH. Afterwards, my research leads me to believe that we should apply HD Britenol followed by Cleansol BC as both a second cleanser and neutralizer of the Britenol. Would this be a correct approach or should the attach be with the same SH and maybe another cleanser of some sort?
I would do the SH, rinse with 800-1000 psi, and then apply Oxalic and rinse well. When rinsing start at one end of board and walk continuously to other without stopping so you don’t leave lines. Never stop in the middle of any board. One continuous movement to the end.
Checkout the Deck Cleaning 101 thread. There’s some great info in there.