Comet or AR roof pump?

Does anyone have a review of the Comet P40 soft wash pump? Can anyone compare the reliability of it compared to the AR 45? PLEASE!!! I am in the market and hear major reliability issues with the AR.

Have you considered the udor zeta 40p? Its been working great for me. Of course its my first and only experience with diaphragm pumps but its had zero issues so no need for tissues

The only pumps i have heard of are the comet and ar. I looked up the udor for a quick peek. They appear quite a bit more expensive than the others. I dont mind that if its worth the extra money. Did you research any other pumps? Why did you decide on the udor? Are parts readily available.?

I’ve used the P40 for 1.5 years now with very few issues. Just don’t get greedy with your pressure and I think either pump will work.

I prefer to throttle down any equipment anyway. I’ve heard that since the P40 has its manifold on the one side opposite the motor it’s easier to work on and repair without removing it from the engine. The AR45 has manifolds on both sides and needs to me removed to do a manifold repair.


Are you ok?

Doing great! Thanks

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What are you going to use it for? I have the AR for a couple of years with no problems, but rarely use. Make sure you have a use for it before buying.

Talk to Heath @TexasPressureWashing. He knows more about these than probably anyone

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I will call him, thanks. I’m currently using 12 volt for house and roof wash. I tried DS for house washing but prefer lower pressure. Though the 12 volt is decent for sh application, it’s horrible for rinsing. Not enough volume.

They are very close in performance. I work on alot more p40 than i do ar45.

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When you say “work on” do you mean you have to fix or maintain the P40 more often? Because of the design is the P40 easier to work on?

my m5ds nozzle puts out 450psi. Can hold your hand in front of it.

More customers bring me broken p40 than ar45. Infacr i got a used p40 sitting in the shop its got 5 hours on it. 500 bucks its yours

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That’s a deal for someone.

Its available. As is.

I’m assuming that’s just the pump no motor right?

Nope pump and motor

And it all works fine? If so, do you accept Venmo?

What brand motor?