Chuck in a truck

Starting this thread now because hopefully tomorrow I will have all my stuff. I am building my setup in
the back of my truck because it is the only option I have right now. I ran across the saying “Chuck in a truck” and about died laughing. I want to thank all the guys here who have given so much info freely. To the guys who have allowed me to call them and ask for advice.


The beginning.


Cool, good luck

Hey, nothing wrong with that! As long as it’s organized well and looks professional! I did the same thing. Search “raptor liner” and you should see my last rig. I had a lot less bed-space than you have and I made it work.



Raptor liner doesn’t have a good pic of your setup. Cant remember what the name of the thread was where you had some better pics of it.

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“remote soap switch” and “tank gods finally came through” are good ones.


Is that your samurai in the background?!?!

Once you do a truck build, you will never go back.

You can fit alot in a truck bed if you spec out the build right.

New newest build has two 8 gpms in a 6ft bed.


Pics please!!


I’m interested in you’re remote system. Can it handle high ph alkaline and caustic soaps and ph,sulfuric and hf acids ?

I really do not know. I could do some digging.

How big is your buffer tank and how well does it keep up with both of the 8 gpm machines?

100 gallon buffer.

We start each job with a full tank so there is usually no issues.

90% of our supply water sources have great flow.

Especially our commercial sites.

How is the cox electric reel? Looking into getting an electric reel

My reels are all self wind.

I hate electric reels.


? If your referring to the pics i posted above the first one is GuyB and the second is sirwashalot. I had a decent truck bed setup when i first started but i didnt like having to bring it everywhere i went. I always had to make sure nobody was steal my stuff and couldnt leave my truck anywhere long unattended. I will probably get a designated truck for washing later on but for now ill run a trailer unit.

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Yes, I was referring to the second picture you posted. The first one of Sir Wash A Lot’s truck. There is a silver suzuki samurai with a snorkel in the background. Thought maybe this was yours and wanted you to post pictures of it.