Chuck in a truck

A few more deliveries from the ole brown truck and I’ll be on my way. Thanks for all the reference pictures. My plan is to tape out my usable space on the floor and move things around to find what works best.


back pack sprayer :sweat_smile: , hope thats not for applying chem haha


Oh it is, but only yard chems on my lawn.

My PW came on wheels. Best suggestion for securing it? Take off the wheels? Or secure with them on?

I am thinking of taking off the wheels and the bumper/handle. That would lower the unit 5 inches.

I get off work at 8pm but ill take a pic of my old truck bed skid. It works amazing.

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And you will not need to remove the wheels

Ok. I already did…but it’s easily reversible. I’m just trying to see what’s gonna work best.

This is kind of where I am right now. No decisions have been made though lol.


Perfect spot.

Get the most mileage out of that tank. Install the float valve in the lid:

That’s what I was thinking to get more in there. I was worried about taking the vent out, but I see e few holes take care of that.

I dont even use float valves anymore.

I put an overflow on my buffer tanks and a ball valve right at the tank intake.

This way if need be I can shut the supply water off and on right at the truck.

Putting the float in the lid I should be able to get at least 30 of the 35 gallons in. I am beginning to like this arrangement.

I have a 1 inch line going back to fill downstream bucket, and drain tank when done. Then I have a y trap going to 3/4 supply to machine. Does this setup work? If not should I change up the plumbing?

Nevermind thats a better spot. Didnt realize you made a skid to put it on.

Electric start? May suck starting that from that angle.

No…I “saved” a few bucks and went old fashion. No matter how I mount it now it’s gonna stink starting.

@Fireman is that exhaust pointing right at your tank? I’d be afraid if that melting a hole? Looking good so far though. Good luck!

No sir, it pointed forward the glass. There is about 18 inches there. I figured it would be far enough.

10-4. Couldn’t tell. I guess all you can do is try! If you pointed it out the side it may help with heat and make your pull cord be easier accessible? If you have room? Just suggestions, you know what’s gonna work best for you.

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I’d still put this on and deflect the exhaust outside of the truck.

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I ended up turning the machine. I can take the cover off the pull start and turn it counter clockwise. This way I pull slightly down to crank. Got it all mounted and plumbed and now to test.