Burner Issue (Tricky One)

Does it have or is it supposed to have a solenoid before the burner alot of the older machines were wired that way.

At this point I would pull the pump and bench test it or just replace it. It’s not bypassing correctly and the eye is missing

I’ll post some pictures. Its was made in 2012 not super old


On these burners what determines the heat? Like when you put the Thermostat on 200F per say, what raises the heat to 200F? Is more fuel dumped in? Or is it the same but the burner runs on til it hits 200F?

Because, I am seeing the drip worsen as I raise the Thermostat higher

That flow switch is on the HP side so no, running it off a hose bib will not affect it’s operation. Regarding your last question, fuel flow does not increase with more demand. The burner is running flat out until the temperature is satisfied. It’s not the best engineered approach since there is a large delay.

@dperez Thank you! I really needed to know that.

So I was also thinking it was possibly a cracked coil only leaking when the coil is hot, I opened up the burner yesterday and it looked good inside… The insulation is soaked in diesel for sure, I took a lighter to it (safely) and it lit up right away… So it’s diesel not water.

I also learned something interesting, Hydro Tek use to get there coils from Farley’s so this machine has a Farley coil in it, after 2014 they began to make there own coils in house. Fun fact lol

Does anyone what the nozzle to cone setting should be? I’ve seen that 90 Degree spray outside and its a damn wide angle! Perhaps Hydro Tek has secret settings??

Is the fuel suppose to hit the nozzle head? or does it have to clear?

Next, We are changing the gun line… That’s all I have left


The angled portion sits in the air cone and the bottom part is supposed to touch the nozzle. Grab it if you don’t already have one. I bet your gun assembly is sitting too far back combined with a fan too wide causing all your problems. Call the manufacturer and get the degree they recommend on the nozzle while you’re at it but I bet it’s supposed to be a 80 degree. In all my years on all my burners I’ve never seen one of mine that looked like yours and they all had a trillion hours on them.

No, the air cone just swirls the air and smooths it out

@Chesebro I’m pretty sure at this point you are in possession of a burner that convert fuel that can phase through solid objects. :rofl::rofl::rofl:



That’s the sad part lol… I have a gauge and I set the nozzle where it should be. Also the machine calls for a 90 degree B 1.75 nozzle. The electrodes are set correctly… The z dimension is set with the gauge you posted…

All I can think of is the gun nozzle maybe leaking under high pressure, where the line and the adapter join.

Yes :rofl:

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Waiting on a new nozzle gun assembly. It may be possible that it’s leaking from nozzle adapter. I’ll report back

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So you don’t steal my thunder try the 80 nozzle before you swap the gun assembly will ya lol

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@dperez per your request I have a 80 degree on the way. Shipping is real slow right now, taking forever

Welp! I finally had some spare time to work on this burner again. I installed the new gun assembly…

Same thing!

I did toy around with the air disks on the burner… anyone know where I should start?

Noticed the raw fuel keeps leaking from the burner when the burner is on, but the raw fuel is cold to the touch! It’s not coming out hot!

Perhaps I already fixed the problem but the insulation is so soaked it only releases the diesel when the chamber is hot??

Ps I tried an 80 degree nozzle also