I had a woman reach out to me about a huge stain on her driveway. She said she has a local cleaning company come out to clean it with 0 luck (company looked like carpet cleaners so yeah that explains that). She sent me these photos and said that they have had clay soil/water draining onto it for a long time. Looking at this I’m thinking Rust. It could be clay I’m not sure. I going tomorrow to test some F9 on it. What do you guys think it is? How much chem do you think this would require to clean? I already told her that it would be around $200-400 of chemical alone to clean (thinking F9 Gallon Prices)
Charge her neglect money, what a way to ruin a neighbourhood.
What the heck. No that’s not helpful but wow.
If you can clean that up talk about the best before and after pictures for a driveway ever.
I want to try! But I was hoping for some actual advice haha. This comments are great though
Maybe clean a 5x5 section and see how much product you go through. And if it cleans it up much
Will do, I will have an update by tomorrow
Get the whole neighborhood. I see the driveway across the street doesn’t look good either, super hard water.
If you have some 600 cleaner, try that as well. It works great on rust.
Some actual advice. First tell her there’s no need cleaning till she get’s her drainage fixed. It’s red clay stains. Can see on foundation of house next door and where mud has pooled up at bottom of walk coming from left. Go to HD or Lowes and get you about 5 gallons of Muriatic acid. Mix 1-3 or 1-4 . Make sure you add the acid to your water, not the other way. You can use xjet set properly also for larger job. Spray on, let sit for about 15-20min. Rinse off with decent pressure. Then I’d surface clean it. Make sure to use PPE.
Surface clean it 1st to break the dirt,etc free then apply your chem,ask her about cleaning those gray fences too
Acid will stick better to pre cleaned area
That isn’t mud stains, how can water pool up the side of that garage door by a foot on a slope like that ? And look across the street, Their drive looks just as nasty…
I’ll get a gallon of muriatic first to test spot along with F9 Incase it’s rust. I wish I had some f9 efflo because if it’s red clay that will get it off according to the f9 cookbook
Craig catches you posting that page on here you’ll be in F9 jail.
What post?
Update. It’s red clay. And lots. The neighbors driveway is the same. I used Muriatic acid diluted 1 part water 2 parts MA and poured it gently onto the surface and it did nothing, I applied it straight pouring it gently out of a measuring cup and after 1 minute of yellow boiling, lightly broomed over it then gently poured a 5 gal bucket of water on it to rinse. It took the stain right out. But for me to use straight though on a job this size. It requires about 30-35 gallons. I’m thinking watering can to apply? Pump up is too slow and low volume. Don’t have a electric pump. Also it worked on the light parts not the caked up parts. Check it out
This last pic is after 3 coats of straight MA with 1 min dwell time ^
Where is all the stains come from then ?
They had a drain system that poured onto the driveway from an area back behind their house. As I walked back there I noticed red clay in the ground. They recently got that drain system buried under the ground and it now drains out on the street next to the sewer instead of on the driveway