Biggest Red clay stain ever?***

Thanks for sharing. Very good to know. Pretty crazy, too.

You just stick to playing with your toy trucks there big boy and leave the real washing to us. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


Try doing like I said. Do you not have an xjet? Spray it on at ratio of 4-1 and then surface clean a section and see what it does. May have to do twice but can do a DG parking lot with 5 - 10 gal. Of course HD stuff may not be as strong as what I get from chem supplier so maybe try 3-1. Donā€™t really need to brush it, youā€™re not using F9. Got to use some pressure, like 2500-3000. I deal with mud stains about 3 times/week.

Typical subdivision site around here:



use the x jet to apply muriatic acid ? When I diluted it, it didnā€™t do much, only when it was straight

What can I say, You were right Oh wise onegiphy (1) .
Iā€™ll get you next timeā€¦ lol


I passed on this job. I explain my concerns to the customer and she understands.


That is something! Wow. It makes me wonder if a water heater, iron pipe water line, water filter or washing machine ruptured and spilled causing rust before it was detected. The cause deserves very careful inspection for your estimate of price might be way too low. Make sure you have liability insurance on this job. Good luck.

Didnā€™t take it. Muriatic Acid straight is all that worked, I donā€™t want the neighbors to call someone because they see gallons of yellow boiling muriatic acid going into the storm drain. The amount of dangerous chem, the potential fines, And the possibility of not getting the result the customer wanted, all favored in passing on the job. Some jobs are not worth it, no matter how pretty the dime looks


Probably the best decision. There is easier money to be made.


when i saw ur pictures i remembered an article i read in the past that was a question and answer column online. apparently its not an uncommon issue. heres that link and btw, whatever the outcome, please post any after pics and any recommendations that you wud suggest on cleaning that. thnx!!

darn, didnt see your response that you passed on the job. good ideaā€¦cant lose work you never had to begin with. the risks far outweighed the rewardsā€¦take care

I would suggest EaCo Chem OneRestore

Update. They ended up scheduling to have the drive and foundation under the stone Resurfaced. But they asked me to get the stains out of the garage door and brick. Cleaned up nicely. My process ? Misted surface with water, applied 1:4 ratio of F9 Efflo and scrubbed with a hand held brush and broom brush. About 4 applications and rinsing between. Used a turbo at a distance to rinse to hit it from all directions. Then house wash on top of that which is nice to neutralize the acid.

These clay stains had to be scrubbed off with a brush. Water pressure wouldnā€™t remove it alone. Hereā€™s the results.


Looks great!

Iā€™ve found that Oxalic works great and is pretty inexpensive. If we are in a pinch weā€™ve even used Goof Off Rust Remover from Loweā€™s/Home Depot. Typically it just takes one application and a good rinse.

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