Just some FYI on a job I bid with the CIty of Columbia, SC. I only had 4 hours to get my bid put together and couldn’t do a proper job of estimating so I bid high ($0.15/ft2) to make sure I was covered.
I can’t upload the .pdf files for you to see how it all comes together but here’s the short version…
7 parking garages; 1,505,000 total ft2 to be cleaned (includes floors, walls, and ceilings)
Hi Guys, got interested in this as I just finished a quote this evening over here in Cyprus for our local Municipality (local council) to clean a huge tourist walkway along the seafront. its 33,000m2 of basically sidewalk =355,000ft2. I quoted 0.35cents m2 = 11,550 for the job (euros) multiple up to same space as the garages = x4.23 so I would be just short of 50k. using 2 machines with surface cleaners I will get this done in 6 nights my main cost will be under 3000, staff ( 2 trained guys and 2 labor) fuel, chems, transport. just wondering how different cost are in the US than here that I can make 8.5k profit, if I extrapolated that and the same multiple on costs up to the same as the garages it would be 36k profit on just 50k revenue and I could get it done in a month … just ! is there a need to be at 225k ? are costs so high ?
Not really. I didn’t have time to crunch actual numbers. After the bid deadline I went back and recalculated with a much sharper pencil and came up with $120k
Just wondering, in the US with City / local government dont you need to become pre qualified, in Europe most multinationals like gas companies or even MacDonald’s (to clean thier patios) or local government will go through a prequal process. The Quality Management System I wrote is 50 pages ! (with loads of additional supporting docs like recruitment and training , safety procedures ect ) it has to conform to ISO Standards.
That’s all the time I had from when I found out about it until it was due…and I was at work. If I had more time it would have been about a $120k bid.
" I only had 4 hours to get my bid put together"
I actually looked at that after you said you google searched. I had been making it way to difficult and had been trying to search state websites. I have since just started searching for each city around and looking that way. Thanks.