Anyone using the customer factor?

HCP is slicker than snot on a doorknob! My next step is to research outbound email campaigns of poeple in my demographic where I might take something from my BLOG or even some of the kick-■■■ advice from this site as well as WCRA community to get nsme recognition so that they won’t send my emails directly to the trash bin and so they’ll call me when they’re ready for one of my services.

Well I paid a year up front of tcf. So I am going to give it an honest try. If the big proposal does not land me commercial customers easier, and if the map feature does not come out in a reasonable time, I’ll switch.

Part of my problem was my familiarity with HCP. Often when I zigged intead of zagging, TCF dumped my data and I had to start all over again. THAT REALLY GOT UNDER MY SKIN!

I have found some bugs in the software myself. I have not had my data dumped though. Which scares me. We’re they able to recover your data?

It was only the client I was trying to enter, not any of the older accounts. No problem there

Does HCP include adds or request your customers to sign up with them in your e-mails to the customer?
@awesomewash2 how is the tablet app? Is it similar to the phone app or does it have more features?

I believe the tablet and phone app are the same. I am not a fan of it. Many features are removed.

I’ve lost info I was adding while creating a new customer, but that’s because I switched it from residential to commercial, somehow it just resets the page and you lose anything you typed. So click commercial or residential before filling it out

That’s a silly way to write the code. Those things could be added to the page and when the form is submitted it would change the customer type in the database.

I also don’t understand the need for a all the extra windows.

I concur with you, AWII. AND, Steve seems uninterested in making those changes that could streamline the program to make it slick. I even volunteered my account with HouseCall Pro so that he could get ideas that could streamline his product, but I doubt he ever even looked. He seems content in his clunky old Studebaker, when with just a few changes he could be operating a Lamborghini.

Go figure. I’ve moved on back the HCP, and although wish I could get some of the remarketing features of TCF, I won’t be looking back.

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Honestly the software is probably coded in a way that makes it very difficult to edit or add things. You are supposed to make everything modular in the code and I have a feeling to many things are dependant on each other. Most likely a big functional mess to work with.

I am still going to give it an honest go, but if it does not wow me by then end of the year I will be switching.

YEP! AND, his programmers are in Indonesia or India, or SOME 3rd world country where he Steve has little control over how they write the code.

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I thought he was doing the programming himself. You can get a functional product from those developers, but you get what you pay for.