Anyone try these boots?

Look like they’d be comfortable. They have taller models.

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Never used those ones, but based on those reviews, they look pretty good.

I started using Mucks 4 or 5 years ago and never looked back. Very comfortable boots and keeps you dry

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Food for thought, Mucks stink for truck washing, cant stand up to oil and grease I reckon, Kinda the same as I wear them wrangler spandex bla,bla shorts and they hang tough, But yall hate um because SH destroys them.

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Like these?

Or more like these?

You rubber scrubbers are an odd bunch.




Rubber scrubber gear is more more like your Second pic Grunt. :joy:

@Sasquatch They’re available on Amazon, too. With Prime. And with free returns.


First two pair of rubber boots were heavy and didnt last 3 months.

I wear these everyday, still on the first pair. Bought three more pair when I realized they are potentially hard to find. But for now our local walmart sells them.

They weigh about 4 or each if i had to guess.

[quote=“William_Neptune01, post:8, topic:25833, full:true”]
First two pair of rubber boots were heavy and didnt last 3 months.

I wear these everyday, still on the first pair. Bought three more pair when I realized they are potentially hard to find. But for now our local walmart sells them.

They weigh about 4 or each if i had to guess.

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You wear the Alpha Muddy’s everyday?

I use the green boots from WalMart, $30. Put some decent insoles in and I’m golden.

They’re even better cut down a couple inches and with some really tall wool socks from Cabelas.

Now that’s funny. I was already laughing thinking of Sean running around washing trucks in his spandex.

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I use Lacrosse AlphaBurly boots for hunting… They are very comfortable. I’d imagine the low ones would be just as good.

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Couldn’t get this link to post earlier…these are the boots I was referring to.


I saw one of the PWing gurus on a roof with white shrimp boots and a Tyvex suit. He is a BIG guy. It was quite a site. After that 8 could never wear those boots! :flushed:

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So yeah I’m not gonna walk a roof with them. My first pair has all but rubbed the tread completely off.

The “shrimp boots” you will see 99% of the time are heavy rubber clunky boots that work great for a boat deck.

The ones I linked are very light foam, like a croc but lighter and squishier. I’m not as tired at the end of the day walking back and forth in them as regular boots. And they have held up to several hundred hours of use.

Spend more on some insoles with support than you do on those boots if you buy them.


Anyone ever try out these guys? Looks like the Xtratuf ones but more boot like. Not converse style like the tufs.


Yes I’ve posted about them. Love them. I have Xtratuffs as well and immediately switched to the Wolverines. 3 months of use and abuse, no issues.


They’re kind of proud of them.

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So is xtratuff. $89 vs $128 I think.

wow $135 for SH boots, you guys must be making a killing. Of course I am a little more frugal than some of the lads on here. I bought muck knockoffs for $40 and full fledge rubbers for $20. Of course I don’t wear them for 40 hours a week either and I’m just a PT SH slinger.

I’m not saying those boots aren’t good, I have no idea, it’s just that I haven’t had any shoes for any occasion last me longer than 6 months until they start failing. The exception being dress shoes because I only wear them once in a blue moon.