Adding to my trailer and need input

So i’ve had my 5x10 PJ trailer for a little over 2 years and i love how tiny it is. I can go through drive thus and get in anywhere without a problem. The only problem is that it is tiny and i have outgrown it pretty much the day i got it. I have a few issues and i need input. I have my ideas, but i want to hear yours. I’m very anal about things being as neat as possible and very efficient. I’m willing to drop some money into this as well.

  1. I want somewhere to hang 2 surface cleaners and my wands. I’m thinking similar to a landscapers rack that holds weed wackers and stuff

  2. I need somewhere to put my 12v and enclosure it’s going to go in. It has to be small and compact because i have no room. This is priority right now.

  3. I don’t like my reel set up. It looks messy, mismatchy and unorganized but i dont know where i could stack them.

I was thinking of taking the small black toolbox off, under the cheap garden hose reel, putting that reel on the deck of the trailer and weld up a “platform” which would give me lots of space. I tried to draw it out the best i could.

@mwpws you got alot on that thing but if you build a ladder rack just 4 post and some crossmember you could mount you reels surface cleaner and wands up it would free up alot of space. The question is how close are you to being overweight may need to upgrade the axel

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I really do need to take it to the scales. I try to run with as little water as possible, I was just messing around in the garage, i usually dont have that much water. Are you talking this style ladder rack?

I was thinking if i went with my amateur drawing style of modification, I could line up all 3 reels on the curbside right next to each other and mount some toolboxes on the rear of the platform, to include the box for my 12v

If you are not one of the “low-flowers” as in every property you go to has good flow, then maybe think about downsizing your buffer tank. You could free up a lot of space if you get a good tall rectangle one, fill it up and you don’t have to worry about slosh or going over weight limit.

Thats not a terrible idea. I can count on two hands the time where flow has been an issue. The only problem is I do a decent amount of jobs where there is no water supply. So i would have to weigh the options. But that is something to think about. Thanks

Depending on your current weight you could do something like this like @SESclean did, granted he’s in a 5x9 trailer but it’s close:

Pic from his thread

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ooooo theres some good stuff there. I like the upside down reels. And the hanging of the surface cleaner is just what I was thinking of. Now i need to convince my wife to let me get a new welder!


Oh yeah no water supply is a big deal. What kind of jobs have no water supply?

I did the signs at the intersection for a church, far from the building. I did a few mobile homes that didnt have a water spigot. Just weird little jobs, nothing big.

Here’s a 110 gallon that’s just 18" tall. I could replace my 225 with this and put a fab up something a sheet metal cover that spans the width of the trailer and i could put reels and tool boxes on that. Put i would worry about the low profile sucking air when it gets too low. hmmm

I have 5x10, double stacked water and pressure lines. Have compact Gen 2 12v from power wash store. It has a small footprint, you can build one obviously a little cheaper but liked that it had all you need in a small package. Of course you could turn the stack to the side if you like them coming off the side. I have vertical chem tank too. I’ve outgrown mine too already, end of this year going to a flatbed style system, use trailer for other jobs. Anyways…

I like the way the reels like, but i think i would turn them to work off the curbside. I like to be able to pull the hose out as i’m walking to their backyard or something

Yeah find something tall cause then there would be 19/20ths of the tank above the outlet vs. 1/4 of the tank above the outlet on the small tank. There are ones that are slim, tall, and wide, and should fit perfectly on the trailer.

No build the rack on the the trailer it will keep it lower in short so it helps
Then hang your reels off of it. On the curbside like the orange trailer

I was going to mention the ladder rack out of square tubing for reels too. You can store all sorts of equipment off of it. Try and find Racer’s old trailer build video on here. Same idea as the orange trailer above but some other ideas might catch your eye. His is a 14’ dual but shouldn’t matter.