Maybe! Im not sure, i dont know a lot about trucks
I’m just giving you a hard time young man. You don’t have a v4, but you have a good attitude.
We put a V4 Wisconsin in buggy about 20 years ago . So we could consider that 2002 model
The engine was some kind of compressor
2 cylinders ran the engine and the other 2 cylinders were a compressor. It was pretty neat
i figured, but thank you!
Always wanted a v65 magna or sabre. I’m jelly
There’s one here locally for $3k.
If I use my motorcycle to go bid and estimate jobs, is it considered a tax write off?
You could get away with less. I run a 7GPM 12V and a 6.8GPM pressure washer off of a 65 gal buffer. Obviously not at the same time, but hasn’t done me dirty yet.
Every one I’ve ever checked out has been an absolute basket case and I couldn’t pull the trigger. I have moved on to fuel injected bikes and never looked back. The problem I run into is that if i have a motorcycle and a boat I’m always at a loss with which to use and now that I have a family it’s a lot easier to take everyone out on the boat.
Speaking of which. Finally got the new outboard on and installed and sea trialed the other day! Just in time for winter
I upgraded from a 4gpm to a 5.5 gpm. It is a huge difference washing houses and driveways. I do not do much commercial, but i am sure it is an upgrade there too. I got mine from facebook mp last year about this time as people start selling off and it was less than 1000$. Only real difference in equipment now is a 65 gallon buffer for it. I run off a 4x8 harbor freight trailer so you dont need a huge footprint for it. It is a little tight on the trailer with the tank on it but you could even run off a 35 gallon for most jobs.
I use a 65gal for 6.8 GPM pressure washer and 7GPM soft wash 12V. It’s more than plenty and actually has it activating the hudson a whole lot, lol.
Maybe the faucets in my area are just amazing though, who knows.
Really? So psi makes no difference on reaching high up? What about gpm?
I assume you can reach that high up with the right nozzles?