Congrats @Donut!! My daughter is turning 3 on Monday and my son just turned 5 months. It’s such a stereotypical thing to say, but time literally happens in warp speed. Cherish every minute!
Its so true. You dont get it till you actually go through it
And it changes you in ways you can’t imagine. Only wish my daughter would get married and have kids while I am young enough to enjoy it!
They do change you. I was married at 19, divorced at 21, raised my son and have 2 granddaughters (ages 4 and 2) and now, after being single for 24 years, I’m getting married and gaining 2 new daughters in the deal…lol
so I’ve gone from no daughters to having 2 teen daughters in the house. Let me tell you, daughters are different! As an example, I had never, not once woke up with pink toenails when my son was a kid.
I raised my daughter from 8yo to 18 by myself. Quite a challenge for a guy. We both survived!
Thats awesome
Maybe it’s the bible belt thing there I was raised, but I never knew anyone who was divorced until I was in high school. I’m working on a 1/4 of a century now with 3 sons. Toilet lids are always up set my house according to my wife