Why are spring-driven hose reels never mentioned?

When reading about hose reels the discussion is either hand-crank reels, or motorized ones once you hit the big time. Why aren’t spring-driven reels ever mentioned? They seem to be popular in places like auto shops for air hose. Are they only for shorter lengths of hose and not suitable for 200’ or more? I don’t know what they cost, but it seems like they’d bridge the gap between manual and electric reels.

What gives?

Not practical or possible for 250 ft of hose


That’s what I figured, but I e-mailed one of the manufacturers anyway to ask. They claim there are almost no size and weight constraints. to what they can build. That being said, perhaps making a spring-driven reel that would handle 200’ or more of hose would price it right into motorized territory.

I think you’ve been fed a plate full of tainted baloney. I think there’s very good reasons these things aren’t marketed to our industry.

And naturally you just leave it at that, right? Why respond like that if you’re not going to tell the whole story?

Yanking out 200+ feet of hose on a hand crank reel gets old and tiresome 5 times a day, how do you think a spring loaded reel with enough tension to retract 200+ feet of high pressure hose would feel like to have to drag out and yank a few times for it to lock. Theory and practical don’t always interlock.

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Point taken.