Hey guys. Quick question. I have a couple customers that has the white wash (german smear on their brick). Both are new homes that are less than 3 years old. They both have clay and other just dirt on them from construction. How can I go about getting the dirt off. I know I cant use any pressure since it will just come off and was wondering if anyone has done these, thanks!
Does anyone know what he is asking?
Innocent bystander. I’m asking how to take the clay off the bottom of brick without taking the mortar off that is smeared on the brick.
The search function here should lead you to the answers you desire. There are many different chemicals to use. All of them have their differences and should be well understood before handling. One might use OA, Muriatic, F9 or others. What method of application do you intend to use?
Displaced I will be using my roof pump unless I can get strong enough mix with DS. I have searched and my wording must be off or not asking it right.
Acid is your best bet. I wouldn’t run acid through any hose that you run SH through. Pump up sprayer or rolling is probably safest. Always try a test spot. Take a few different chemicals and see what provides the best result for your customer.
Ok thank you very much!
This may help.
I stay away from white washed brick when removing calcium, it takes it right off. Never done clay or rust removal on white wash before. I would say small test spot for sure
Be cautious with white wash. I’ve done some, but only simple soft wash. That stuff isn’t very sturdy.
yes Harold that is what I was afraid of. Stuff looks good but hard to clean. Thanks