Where to find employees? Sorry, search did not work for me

Where do you guys find your employees? I’m opening up a housekeeping and commercial office cleaning division to keep things running while it’s cold, but I really hate to pay to post a job, grrrr.

Ask your buddies…word of mouth works

Just don’t post on CL…lol

We have had success with Craigs List

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Michael, I thought you said none have really worked out from there? Maybe I have you confused with someone else.

I did find a free web site to post a job on, jobspider.com. I posted on ziprecruiter.com and have gotten 3 resumes sent my way, but it’s only a 30 day free trial before you have to pay.

Sometimes you get what you pay for, Phil.
If I were you I would start a word of mouth search. Tell everyone you know what you are looking for in an employee.

I don’t recall saying that but maybe so. We did not have much success early on but it just depends. Sometime good response and sometimes nothing. It seems to work well for finding laborers. I even hired an IT guy from Craigs List. I will say the “quality” from there is not the best and some that call in make me wonder if they can even read the ad before calling. Regardless of where you post make sure to screen them. I also use Careerbuilder and Monster.

Please keep us posted on the success of jobspider.com and ziprecruiter.com, always looking for new avenues.


How have they been working for you? Are you using them to find laborers or other type of employees? Are they expensive?

What about going to Lowes or Home Depot and getting someone that’s looking for work that hangs out there in the am. A lot of times they ate really good workers that can’t find jobs. I’ve had good experiences doing that for odds and ends. Tell a guy he’s got a week to prove himself.
just a thought.

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It varies. Some work out great other not so great. I think a lot of it comes down to interviewing to weed out the duds but that is not 100%. Some of it is just a gut feeling about how well they might interact with the current staff.

Sometimes laborers but not that often. The ads are expensive.