What product should I use to clean and seal these pavers?

There is MacDonalds around the corner that has a gravel parking lot beside it. It’s possible you could scrape up some of the sand under it if Walmart quality isn’t good enough


look at 3i Supply EZ Nano Seal. It will lock in the sand and add minimal sheen. They can also help with sand type selection etc.

EZ Nano good product, have on my pavers but doesn’t lock in sand. Will work fine if using polymetric sand.

You’re right Rick, the SB-8700 they sell does that but it’s a more glossy finish.

I told him who to call. He’s in Jersey and they don’t use much except polymetric up there from what I’ve heard. So hard for us to give him any guidance until he decides what he’s going to do.

Roger that. Ez would be good with their Winter guard.

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Thank you to everybody I will have pictures and I appreciate everybody.