What is this?!

Got an order in from pressuretek today. What is this white thing? Wrong answers only.

It keeps the hole from closing during shipping.


:joy: that’s hysterical

This still tickles me 7 years later


New inline particulate filter.

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There was someone on here not too long ago who couldn’t get any water out of their soap nozzle on their jrod. The ended up having the same thing in there nozzle and come on here asking if it was suppose to be there.


:joy: you don’t know what you don’t know I guess. It’s a ceramic ball from something. Probably the tumbler that polished the stainless fittings.

There is a full thread that could be launched about natural selection but i am watermelon free for 2 weeks

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Hasn’t it been 2 weeks yet? It has to be getting close. Maybe it’s just that 3 days of politeness feels like 2 weeks? Either way I’m ready for watermelons.

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12 more days and this site will undoubtedly see a 2 weeks worth of watermelons in a few hours time. I can only hope you are bookmarking threads.

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They must have sent you that by mistake. That’s one of those new ds injector jrods that innocent came up with while he was tinkering. New guys will gobble those things up at only $50.

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In Canada, I feel so left out

Well I happened to look in my new jump hose that came in the mail this morning. Right before I screwed it into the inlet on the unloader block too!

You got one of those fancy TDS filters. The homemade kind that junk sticks to as it passes through.

I think, I’m officially done using United hose. Not because I’ve had a problem with them, but because my normal hydraulic repair place is no longer repairing out of country hoses. I called about six other hydraulic repair places around Kansas City and they wouldn’t repair it either.

I finally found one, and they didn’t charge me, because they said they didn’t know how long it would last. I think they didn’t charge me, because they didn’t want to assume the risk. I paid $10 for fittings.

Something must have happened. Or their cost for metric pieces must’ve gone up. Who knows?

Long story short, I was rushing around today to get ahead of storms and forgot to lock my pressure hose reel and drug the last 10 feet of my pressure hose behind the trailer for who knows how long.

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Anybody who has been doing this for years is going to have that happen I have done it a handful of times. No sweat

I’ve had a metal sliver stuck in my tips before.