What is this machine capable of?

Don’t forget to apply vaseline on the soffit before you wash. To protect from corrosion.


I could see that being the case if comments were “that is not a good deal compared to X product capable of Y only costs Z” … comments like “wowza” are not really helpful but I do appreciate the feedback regardless, thanks!

I think that about covered it for most of us…we don’t have enough demand for hot water to really invest in it, but an 8gpm machine for us $4500 would be the absolute MAX right now.


DcBrock is one of the nicest guys around. He gave you helpful advice.

Hint: 4 gpm is basically for kids.


@Innocentbystander deals with a lot of Landas, and has been conspicuously absent from being “that guy” in this thread… :thinking:


Good to know - what is your machine?

Lol, this guy is already that guy


Looks like a great deal to me! Locally serviceable is a huge bonus. I bet your vendors take really good care of you!

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Here’s an example of what you can get for $5k more.

This is a full blown, ultimate cleaning rig that is way above my skill level even after 4 years. Guys like this have 20+ years experience and just want to retire and move to Costa Rica so you get the advantage of buying their pre-assembled wash trailer.

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Here’s another cold water setup for $9500.

Can you imagine trying to wash houses or apartments while dragging stuff like that around?

That what a call a fear of running out of water rig. Complete monstrosity.

That is a rather large tank. I do see a few of those around town though, usually pulled by some monster truck.

Haha! That’s not too far off from my rig(s) and I don’t have any where near 20 years in and definitely not ready to retire and move to Costa Rica! Well…my buffer tank isn’t that big!

I know some guys that run or use to run Landa’s. That machine especially well suited for smaller commercial jobs, ie restaurants, dumpster pads, probably vent cleaning. Smaller footprint intense cleaning. Suppose to have great heaters on them. Are probably a little over priced but you can make money with them with right customer mix. Not for the go out and sling water at vinyl houses all day guys.

Notice fuel tank size compared to one you’re looking at. Unless you’re running over 150 degrees on your heater, your fuel consumption on engine and diesel burner will be about the same. Having only a 5 gal gas tank is ridiculous.
Here’s probably a better system because it all stainless for slightly less- but does not have the included generator that the Landa does.