What is this? (Artillery fungus?)

Pee on it and see if it moves…report back.


Whatever it is, it appears to be on Dryvit, so just spray it with 50/50 and leave it. You’ll pick the thin stucco outer layer off trying pull it off.

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I haven’t tried. It seems to be attached permanently. Never seen it before. I was thinking it may be some variation mutant artillery fungus.

One word: winter

It is not artillery fungus.

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I found a new species. Doesn’t that mean I get to name it?

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Looks like some variation of lichen, or maybe some remnants of a creeping vine. As mentioned before, 50/50 and leave it to dry out and fall off on its own.

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Advice taken. I’m home now walking the dog trying to convince myself to study SEO tonight

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I’ve seen this before I think it’s a ivy root that got ripped off and left behind. I could be wrong, no idea what it’s called if it’s not that.

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Whatever it is I wouldn’t spend time trying to clean it. That doesn’t really fall under housewashing

Agreed. I didn’t spend too much time, just trying to educate myself on the variables.

Like Alex said…it’s remnants from a creeping vine… or it’s a variation of artillery fungi.

I see this all time, usually when a certain plants grows on the siding.

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