You can mix them. Don’t think it will clean will, but they can be mixed
Hydrogen Peroxide / Sodium Percarbonate - Hydrogen peroxide is a liquid and Sodium percarbonate is a powder that breaks down into hydrogen peroxide, making it basically a concentrated, solid form of hydrogen peroxide. They are color removers. Don’t mix with vinegar.
Salt - Regular table salt, not sea salt, works the best for household use. It helps set colors, so should not be used on stains, but is also a disinfectant.
Sodium Bicarbonate / Sodium Carbonate - These are both alkalines that neutralize acids in spit, urine, milk, and food. Sodium bicarbonate is a very safe chemical also known as baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate, known as washing soda, is twice as powerful and more caustic than baking soda. If you can’t find washing soda, you can substitute it with twice as much baking soda. Don’t mix either with vinegar.
Vinegar - An acid that neutralizes detergent buildup and blood. Vinegar is useful when used as a rinse in the washing machine. Don’t mix with sodas, hydrogen peroxide, or bleach.
Isopropyl Alcohol - Isopropyl alcohol is a non-edible alcohol. It helps dissolve glues and oils that soaps do not. It is also a very good disinfectant.
Orange Oil - A solvent that removes glue, oil, and paint.
Borax - Borax is somewhat toxic and should not be taken internally nor used on dishes and silverware. It can sometimes cause rashes, so should be used with care on baby items. However, it is a powerful anti-fungal when you have problems with yeast infections, mold or mildew.
OxyClean - Contains washing soda and sodium percarbonate, plus other secret additives.
Bon Ami - Contains feldspar and limestone for abrasion, soap, and baking soda.
Bac-out - Contains enzymes and botanical extracts. Good for removing organic compounds like spit, poop, urine, milk, and food.