What chemical injector for 8 gpm?

I used those for 15 years and cut my 12.5 in half with water before ds. They will pull all you’ll ever need to wash except for roofs.

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I’ll give it a go next season :+1:

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Because 18:1 of 10% (after chlorine loss the first week) takes multiple applications of SH to loosen years of algae cycles.

Hmmm… I’ll let you know how my $16 one works, lol

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Your being silly now.

3-5gpm injector using straight 12.5% with 200 ft of line works great for us. We clean some really dirty houses and never have to apply chem more than once. If you use a 3-5gpm injector, get ready for the high pitch whine though lol

You aren’t soaping enough the first time then. Soap is cheaper than labor. Soap it good, rinse. done

And by soap do you mean acutal soap or just longer applicaion and overlapping of SH. Because i try and use as little soap as possible. Less rinsing.

Soap is what I call bleach. Sounds more hug a tree friendly


It takes 2-3 minutes to soap the side of a house. Usually just one side, maybe 2 are really bad. You soap, go to next side, do it and go back to rinse. If really dirty, may have to hit again. I generally soap most sides a couple of times, from different directions between getting behind shutters, vinyl frames and corner pieces… I have stronger injectors and the ones with the check valves, but rarely use since the basic will clean fine. Soaping has always been the easy part. Rinsing is the time consuming part.


You guys are so lucky.:+1:

You’re right. I’ve never cleaned a window in my life. :laughing:


care to share what it is and the ratios you get with the 8.5?

@DJPWS He uses this but not from Doug’s store.

Next season…LoL… I always forget some of you guys actually have a season that you can pressure wash in!!
Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a break every winter


He said he had stronger injectors AND the check valve one. Wondering what those other ones are

Yes Missouri and it’s crazy weather!

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Some days I wish I could just leave the mix on the house. I’m so anal retentive about rinsing every bit that I find myself rinsing the same spot for three minutes because I thought I saw a soap bubble lol

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I do the same thing. Especially on windows