I noticed this stain the other day on the back of one of our buildings at work.
There is a hvac drain line above the window that constantly drips on the brick…would this be a calcium stain? Or what…its not only on the brick but on the glass as well…its not so bad on the glass… if I could get a couple tips on treating this I thought I’d give it a go I’ve never had to remove a stain like this brick and my company doesn’t really give a crap if it’s there or not so I thought I can gain some extra experience.
Acid to remove
Some One Restore probably clean that right up
@CaCO3Girl will that work on the window too… I always thought you wanted to keep acids away from Windows because it would etch them.
With acid should I start small with citric acid or should I just jump into the big guns like muriatic
@Racer … I’ve never used one restore but I’ll definitely give it a whirl just so I know how it works.
Different acids for different things. There’s no one that will do everything. Keep researching
Mild acids like diluted phosphoric and diluted citric should be used for the window.
You can use stronger versions on the brick.
I’d start with phosphoric
@Racer I will never stop researching things until the day I die😁… up until now the only acid I’ve ever had to use is oxalic acid, citric acid and muriatic acid…but I’m always wanting to add extra chemicals to my tool belt… but only after I know what they work on and what they don’t I don’t want to make a costly mistake!
If it’s a one off thing you may want to look into purchasing nickel safe ice machine cleaner. Usually contains mild acids like phos and citric.