Wavy concrete?

I was mortified after washing this today.

My wife pointed out the ‘stripes’ were too close together so I ran my hand across them and they are actually ripples in the concrete. The sun was setting and highlighted it, making it look like stripes.

The place was built in 1982.

Any of you concrete gurus know what’s going on here?

Redneck water drainage system.

There would be some nasty gravel rash going on there if someone fell off their bicycle for sure…

Man, you sure stripped the cream off of that one, LOL

Is it clean? Are they happy? If so, that’s all that’s going on.

I am pretty sure you didn’t do any damage to that drive.

Too uniform and close together for it to have been caused by you. It was already there, I tell people all the time we won’t know what we have until we get the dirt off. Dirt and organics are wonderful camouflage.


Yeah it was weird, only that section of walkway had it. The other 2500 sq/ft turned out perfect.