Wave Pool Wall Cleaning

Hi all,

Anyone have any suggestions on a project like this? It’s a nautical training pool. They would like to have the walls cleaned. They were using a steamer to clean it previously but it was too time consuming for their workers
so they decided to contract it out.

Doesn’t look as much as bacteria build up as it does a grime build up making me think a degreaser/sodium hydroxide may do they trick. I will be heading in to do some test spots tomorrow before starting work this weekend.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Might want to think about using some acid….

I was thinking that as well, may be some metallic build up. There are steal beams within the pool what have been rusting away. I have an aluminum brightener, I’m unsure of the acid within it but I’ll test a spot with that product.

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Final Results- forgot to post. Light acidic solution and elbow grease used.


What did you do with the acid runoff?

Was it worthwhile, did you make a profit?

I was somewhat two stepping it. Had a barrier around the drains and hosed the bajesus out of it before sending it to their treatment plant. Confident it wasn’t to acidic leaving.

I definitely over quoted it to save my butt. Turned out to be $316/hr. They were astonished what the use of Chems would do haha.

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Nice when it turns out that way.