Waste SH disposal

How do all of you handle the waste SH that inevitably happens? I have numerous half full five gallon buckets of old mix that I’m not sure how to dispose of. Is this something that can be flushed down the toilet? I know people clean toilets with bleach so I can’t imagine that it would be a big deal as long as it was diluted a bit.

If for some reason I have some left over, and I’m worried about it not being strong, I’ll use it for the pump ups etc.


I clean a lot of awnings, and I use a soft brush to apply the mix. The repeated dunking of the brush into the mix bucket gets a lot of lichen and junk into the mix. I don’t think a sprayer would like it after that. But that’s a good idea for the other stuff though!

You got a concrete drive. Put it on there. You’ll have nicest looking drive around.


I use my left over mix as a temporary weed killer. It’s not as potent as Roundup herbicide and it’ll knock em dead for a while depending on the concentration.

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Ive left 5 gallon buckets of it in the yard all winter. Was concerned it was bad. Seen a old black sock hanging out of the side of the trash and poured some on it. (Random i know :joy::joy:) Turned white in under a minute. Cleaned a house with it that day. No issues.


This…Threw It On The Ground - YouTube


I think someone mentioned SH stabilizes at 6%?



My new best friend! I love ALL their songs lol

I agree. If you have left over SH you need to do what he was telling you. I would also put it in a 6 mil bag. You can also label it as well. Im glad you came here for proper info on how to properly dispose of your SH some many guys doing it wrong.

  1. Assess the situation and plan for mistakes
  2. Wear proper PPE
  3. Rope off the area
  4. Carefully pour the SH into a 6 mil bag
  5. Gently lift bag over your head
  6. Then throw it on the ground.

Ya i like the creep better :joy::joy::joy:.

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Noooo mother lover is the best lol

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Doesnt ring a bell. Ill watch it now.

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I must be getting too old! I didn’t get it! What was the message in the video?

…he threw it on the ground.


Throw the SH on the GROUND!

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Lol ok I guess some days I just can’t see the forest for the trees!


Just another reason to throw it on the ground.

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