So I looked at a job today and the house has darker blue vinyl siding. The siding is new about 3 years old. Tiny amount of green in just one small section of the back, the rest of the house looks fine. The siding doesn’t seem to have any oxidation I tested it in several areas. I know I lot of people say not to wash blue siding this would be my first. Just wondering what everyone’s thoughts would be due to there’s no oxidation?
I would like to do the house as it would be a good ticket for me and they just got the siding and they want to take care of it so it would probably be recurring work for me. It I’ve never washed blue before and I know a lot of people have issue with it.
A test spot is for anything that you’re worried about…paint, vinyl, stone. If you’re concerned, test a stronger mix where you can’t see it, and if it’s fine, you won’t be worried anymore.
You can see that discoloration at the very top of this home as well as the right half of this side. The left half showed what oxidation removal process was capable of.
A little different but along the same realm, received a phone call today to quote out a property with two older blue metal buildings that have pretty good oxidation on them. Hoping the quote generates to a sale because I think this could turn out really nice. It’s a non-profit so they of course are looking for lowest bidder (spelt F-R-E-E) and I’m not sure I’m going to be that guy.
Just gently wash with a weaker mix and make sure you rinse well. Be sure to use a lite mist coat at the end or end better after it’s sat for about 10-15min
Has anyone ever cleaned Everlast Siding? It is a polymer based siding that is very similar/if not identical to composite decking. I have a customer who had it installed two years ago and after reading the requirements for cleaning it is much different than I have seen. Usually, I would just test our cleaning solution on site but since the siding still has a warranty I wanted to make sure. Believe it or not it says, “the warranty will be voided if you are too use bleach”. We have been in business awhile and we use a low concentrated bleach mix but in this case I do not want to void the warranty for using the wrong cleaner. I carry most of the EaChem products in stock and I do not carry hydrogen peroxide. Any ideas on how to go about killing all the organic growth efficiently w/o bleach? Any advice would help? The house is 3800 square feet.
I am not scrubbing so please leave that out of the advice.
Hard pass. If it specifically says not to use bleach, either use surfactant only or walk. You could also call the company and ask what they suggest if you’re really hard up for work.
I get this all the time as a window cleaner, customers let me know they have gutter helmets and the warranty will be voided if I put a ladder on it.