Wall Hydrant

What a glorious day. Fun times. Get to job. Park trailer. Move truck out of way. Start to set up. I DO NOT HAVE THE PROPER FITTING for this wall hydrant. It’s now 815 and I don’t have running water filling my tank. Tiffany’s diamonds closes at 9. I can’t start until they close. And I can’t work past 10 for noise ordinance. I am supposed to be cleaning the sidewalk for a store to their side. Cool story. Either way. Here is a pic of the fitting. It was not garden hose fittings like I assumed it was going to be. Nor was it 3/4” female. It was ever so slightly bigger but not an inch. Made do with the 3/4 and a lot of Teflon. Like a lot. This is my first go with this style wall hydrant so I’ll be finding this thread type after I call the company lest anyone can chime in.

The wall hydrant appears to be missing part number 9 on this diagram. The part numbers are there, it’s about a $5 fitting from most suppliers.

Do you think this thread is standard all the way around for all hydrants/brands? I get the feeling it isn’t but at least this brand perhaps.

Find a local hose fabricator/supplier.

I didn’t think I had one close by until I needed 200 ft pressure hose and found out there was a tiny shop 10 minutes from me that fabricates and sells any hisenand fittings. That guy had any adapter and size any thread made. Look around I bet you’ll find someone…or go to your local plumbing supply store. (Not box store)


Yeah I know of 2 near me that I frequent for certain things. Each end of town. I’m sure there’s more. Didn’t think of them to have this fitting. Will def check it out.

I did a search for the thread used on this fitting. It’s a 13/16” special thread. As far as I could find, it’s only used for certain sink aerators and the Woodford wall hydrants. Oh, and I think some special sprinkler systems, but also probably Woodford brand.

Thanks Alex! I haven’t got a chance to look into it. I’m sure they are probably somewhat pricey. Though it ain’t a bad idea to have a few on hand.

The fitting is like $4-$5. Not sure what you’ll pay in shipping, though.

Kewl! Yeah I’m a bit let down by the maintenance manager for not knowing his hydrant specs. Then again he probably doesn’t use it often. I am gonna have to get some on order.

LOL, not managers fault. You should check, especially commercial when you’re looking at job. Rookie mistake we’ve all made, some of us more than once, lol.


Yeah I know. I agreed to the job on a whim and didn’t have any time to stop by before seeing what I got into. Definitely rookie mistake.

Least it didn’t cost you money. Those are the ones I really hate.