Vinyl siding odd drying spots and patterns

I agree. That’s what pressure tek is preaching tough! I get 10:1

The guys getting a stronger mix out of a 4 gpm are probably using a 1.8 High Draw injector. Going down a size really makes a big difference. A lot of guys on here even use a 1.8 with their 5.5 gpm pump.


Still waiting to hear what it means?
Just curious what your meaning?
I also use straight SH when I use 10% stuff with 4gpm machine.
When using 15% I use 3 gallon SH and 2 gallon water per 5 gallon mix.
Wondering if I’m missing something?

You’re missing a lot of things, bud. Like honor, courage, respect, and the list goes on. Does that help you?


if you are working in the sun or heat and its drying to fast how many times do you reapply or water it down but then you dilute ?

Reapply until the algae or mildew turns brown. If it’s real hot it helps to cool the siding down with water before applying mix. A couple quick mists of regular water isn’t going to dilute it down much. You’re just misting enough to where there are no dry spots. If there are organic stains that won’t rinse clean when done just reapply some more mix. It’s all about turning the organic stains brown before it’ll rinse off. If algae or mildew is real bad and it’s that hot just work that one side. You can keep misting house wash mix to keep it wet until it’s ready to be rinsed.

Ty sir I needed that laugh.
Up at 5am on a 95° Saturday to work on hot roof.
That’ll help get me going this morning

I would use Cleansol BC diluted to around 20:1 pre-wet ( dont soak) then a couple quick back to back applications with a few minute dwell time then power rinse off.

We do 1.5 gallons 12.5% SH to 3.5 gallons of water with about 2oz of Elemonator, unless there is an extra heavy build up on the siding or it is under 50 degrees out. Works like a charm.

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We use the the same mix with our 5.5 machines on 80% of our jobs, comes up great :ok_hand:

For a follow up. All the spots went away they seemed to be water spots or stains that took forever to dry up and dry out from the sun. There is oxidation but the spots I had to deal with mostly all went away.

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It takes some siding 4 or 5 days to dry or at least look dry. It’s becoming a common post this summer.

Know I am new (and a little late on this thread) but I had the same issue and learning also all the tips you have given. Rinse, rinse and rinse. I am also decreasing my surfactant. I also DS 10% with a high draw injector and get 10:1 just as DJPWS stated. I had also did testing on dual port injector and only able to get a 8:1 max. I also have a 4 gpm.