Hi guys - Hope you all doing well on the other side of the world
Ive got these stains which are Vanadium stains - not sure if thats what ya’ll call it over there. But basically the client has said it wont come off. Its a very soft brick he said.
From the research ive done. It says Oxalic acid will remove it. But just wanted to confirm the process and after reading this post Orange appearance of Lueders Limestone - #12 by Racer
I just need to make sure if its the right direction.
Also neutralizing ox it says a mixture of baking soda and water will work. Would that be ok? Or just a good rinse should take care of the ox from continuing to react.
Thanks again for your input and appreciate it as always!!
I use OneRestore…. Never tried OA on those types of stains, may work though.
i 2nd one restore. Id watch it, dont let it dwell longer than needed.
Awesome… Thanks for the replies… I’ll keep an eye on it…
I’m from down under in Australia and will check out the equivalent of one restore… We do have a product called Restore but will make sure…
Thanks lads, will update if I get the job…
Aluminum brightener or wheel cleaner, you should be able to find that easily. Those typically contain hydrofluoric acid and will remove a lot of inorganic stains and rust.
@jitsbhikha watch out with hydroFluoric acid and glass, it will etch it.
cheers for the replies boys. Yes im a little worried as its a private golf club, and below all that wall is outdoor tiles and yes there is glass in certain sections.
I think i’ll hit it with Oxalic acid first…
One questions to some of you gurus, i read that to stop oxalic acid from continuously reacting, its neutralized by applying a mixture of baking soda and water. Could someone verify this.
Or is a good rinse down good enough? As I know when using ox on wooden decking you can just rinse rinse rinse and you’ll be ok…