Van build in a van

Sooo getting ready to build before we start up. We are struggling with vehicle… what is the smallest vehicle anyone has built in? We were thinking of if we could start our small and build in a dodge pro master city( the small one) it has an inside of 4’ x7’ x52”high. Is that possible todo a small build with a 5.5 gpm and possibly 12v softwash system?

I saw someone had built a rig inside one of those Nissan NV200 or a similar sized van. It was primarily set up as a soft wash rig for roof cleaning, and he had gone with a 4gpm direct drive so he wouldn’t need a buffer tank. I’ll see if I can dig up the video, but I think the builder went out of business…

Edit, yeah, it was a guy whose last name started with Ender and ended in Le. Ripped off a whole bunch of people that had preordered one of his kits or something like that. But he made some cool rigs. Too bad the videos all seem to have been taken down.

Ya I have to get some research done to see how much room I actualy need. I have some ideas

Another question where does everyone find buffer tanks? I see a ton of big ones like 225 gallon for like next to nothing, I would like to find 100? Or whatever is close for that 5.5 gpm

I bought mine from, which has since been assimilated into

Here’s a link to some utility tanks that might suit you well. Flat Bottom Utility Tanks | Tank Depot

I wouldn’t recommend anything much bigger than 65 gallons for your van. (What’s the payload capacity of that van, btw?).

I run a 8gpm off a 55 gallon buffer and I do ok. Occasionally I’ll throttle it down a bit (to around 6gpm) and use smaller spray tips if I’m on a slow well.

The bed of my rig is about 5’8” x 7’ and nothing stands higher than 45” or so. You will have some limitations based on being in an enclosed space instead of an open bed, but it should give you a rough idea of how things might fit. I doubt you’ll need or want 4 hose reels, or two water tanks.

55 gallon vert tank is plenty for a 5.5gpm. Heck I use one for my 8gpm and have never run out. Leg tanks are ok but take up a lot of footprint. Think of a van/enclosed trailer as a city, real estate is at a premium so build up.


I use an astro van. 2 4.5 gpm machines in them with a 200 foot hose reel. 55 gallon drum is plenty for them and a 25 gallon drum (soon a 55) for bleach. 2 jerry cans and small one for blower and 200 feet of water line hoses, back pack for my roof gear and 50 feet of life line and its a nice compact set up. Got a ladder rack for 2 ladders (28 and 32) and i can pretty much tackle 95% residential work and not too complex/excessively big commercial jobs.

Now, knowing what i know now, with money not being an issue, I would have gone with a sprinter/transit vans with a low or med height roof for bigger set ups (2 8gpms or 5.5’s) with those nice 100 gallon compact tanks for bleach and buffers and 200-300 foot hose reels for each machine.

I found out real quick how valuable real estate gets used up on smaller setups and then you start having to compromise on things that are important

The one point i notice alot of people miss when choosing buffer tank sizes is this: it doesnt matter how big or small the buffer tank is… if the water source cannot keep up, it dont matter the size… you will run it dry.

Im currently doing a casino and their water line outputs about 12-14+ gpm… tank is always full… but then i did a residential home last week amd one of the water spigots could barely keep up with ONE machine, had to stop evey 10 mins to let fill up

Actually very excited we decided to go with the larger transit medium roof found a real gem and sooo now space is no issue lol. Time to get a layout going. Momma is so excited (aka FLOH)


One thing i will highly recomend is to get a roof vent installed. The heat from both my machines running cooked my bleach tank. Made about 10 gallons of bleach inert. I did some temperature measurements and it was about 40-45 degrees celsius inside (104 -113 F) and it wasnt even that warm outside. I touched the outside of the chemical tank and the bleach was hot as hell. I dont even want to know what the temps were in a hot as hell summer day. Live and learn i guess.

Im and going to install 1 or 2 of these, highly recomended

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Yes thank you. I was wondering about that as well. One thing nice is this thing has a secondary air conditioner which could possibly help with that. I was actually considering putting the machine on some sort of pull out system for when it is running. I am not sure if can make that work yet but that would be sweet if I can.

This thing had anpower inverter… sooo I was wondering how I can utilize this to my advantage. Anyone have ideas?

Yes you can get these extendo beds they sell for trucks.

One thing to remember is to not just use the floor space but use the empty space to your advantage.

Also masure sure you put some decals on your glass amd put some metal on the inside of glass so they dont break your windows trying to break in. Imce you put some decals they cant see inside

I have a smaller van. I will send you photo of how mine look later.

Soooo has anyone ever dealt with “the pump outlet” also known as north Georgia airless?

I have been trying to find a more recent post on which equipment to buy… good better and best selections of pumps. I am sold on the ar-45 for my softwash. But I am still not certain on the pressure wash side. Anyone have experience with Alison pumps. And I found the comet rw 5535. Seems like may be a good contender and I am leaning towards the gear reduction drive. Any input be great. I am chomping at the bit! Lol. Ready to go. But my mind is overloaded with info. I just want to make a good sound judgement with the equipment. Any input be great

Can’t go wrong with Udor. I bought my geardrive pump from Sprayer Depot. (Make sure you select the right shaft size when you order. Lol)

Soo I am closer to building! Another aspect trying to figure out is tanks… sounds like with 5.5 gpm machine, 55 gallon verticals tank should be good. Having trouble finding a little bigger for this is going in the van build. The question I have and can’t quite find it, is I am also putting in an AR-45 softwash as well, now the question is do I need an additional tank for that?

Tank for water or SH?

Sorry yes water tank 55? And I am finding out SH doesn’t need to be all that big sooo 55 on that as well?
Surfactant maybe even smaller yet like around 5?

That AR45 does 10 gpm I believe….you will need a bigger tank than 55.