Good points! I will need to do some experimenting, I have no scientific numbers on any of this lol. Thanks for the feedback, I know I hear the engine bog when I switch to the injector- I’m guessing because of the restriction.
Yes, with either a three-way manual or electric ball valve. I see a big difference using it on the rinsing part of things. Well built too.
You can’t, you missed my point sorry. I was just trying to say you have a remote yet you’re still having you do manual things.
How many ounces are we talking about here?
The electric ball valve you just at the end of the wash push button pulls from buffer tank. If manual you would turn it to water at the end of your wash. FlowPro helps while you’re working so you don’t have to go back to the trailer or truck.
I fully understand the working principles of the flow pro. I’m just playing devils advocate here in asking if you are losing flow through the injector and bypassing it nets you more flow how much flow in ounces do you gain by going around the injector? If you are now losing the added flow that a DS injector was previously adding into the stream you have to subtract that from your gain.
Jason Padgett, used to work for my Landa guy Diego, cage up with that box. They are pretty nifty.
Dperez, enlighten us!
Send the injector water instead of your SH mix
I’ve tested it and I’m getting right at 1 gallon more on rinse not going through the injector….I can tell a difference for sure.
Sorry I misunderstood you…my bad.
I use it too and keep two backups on the trailer. I don’t have the fancy box, I attached mine to my tote cage using 2 stainless clamps. When it breaks I just cut all the hoses, as I ran extra length on each hose. I just reattach and clamp it down.
I keep one of these in the box for lines
That’s my injector at the bottom left. It runs through a Tee with 2 single ball valves. I have the shortest hose possible (with no 90’s) running to the SH tank & a check valve inline on the water side to keep SH from back-siphoning (it will). I have to do plenty of walking around but it works well. My injectors last a lot longer these days while they are being rinsed internally every time the soap gets turned off.
My brain and attention span are not
Big enough to remember what valve to turn , when I turn it and for what.
I totally understand. I brewed a cup of coffee on the Keurig the other day & it came out clear. That probably wouldn’t have happened if I had put a cartridge in there. How long it took to find the source of the problem is none of your business.