Update* Long time, no see!

Hey guys!
It’s Gunny, owner of Powermount Power Washing out of Asheville NC.

We suffered great losses in our mountain community back in September from tropical storm Helene. Many families lost their homes and unfortunately, even their loved ones.
My family came out on the better end of things (thank you RACER, for calling me to check on us).
My business was not so lucky, I lost almost everything. Parts and tools, chemicals, equipment, you name it I lost it. My shop even got heavily damaged, so much so that it’s being torn down.
FEMA was of little assistance for a business and for me, an SBA loan was out of the question. So, what did I do you ask?
I drained the oil from my GX690’s, changed plugs and air filters, flushed out my booster tanks and fuel tanks and got my only trailer up and running again. The problem then was that there was no municipal water supply in spite of everything (literally) needing to be cleaned. Power was out for a week where I was and longer for some areas. Water supply was disrupted on monumental scale with no way for me to produce cash flow.
NEW GUYS HEAR ME OUT - Build your company checking account and ensure you have some saved, it takes time to begin to see returns on your investments - be patient. It took me 2 years to get established (largely due to competition).

In closing, we decided to pack up and move from the area. House kids and business was moved in the matter of a month or so. I’m now living and operating Powermount Power Washing on the NC Coast at Topsail Island. Between Wilmington and Morehead City. I am essentially starting over with almost no customer base and limited capitol at this point. I have worked hard since October creating a presence here and with the weather already warming up I’m optimistic about this season in spite of it all. Thanks to all of you for your help the last 2 years.
I wish you all the best and hope for a good economy.
I’ll be in the shop if you need me.
Keep it clean guys,


LOL, you must love hurricanes. Moved from a place that’s had one in 100 years to someplace that averages one every 5 years. Tell us the truth, you just wanted to be a beach bum.


You’re not starting from nothing. You now have knowledge and experience in your tool kit, which you didn’t have when you started last time!

I’m sorry to hear about the losses you’ve experienced. Best wishes on turning a new page.

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