Put HCS 400 On them Chinese
tires,Be black as night… Also when you run your #2 out of your gun, Run it out up close on the rubber, basically upstreaming like @dperez, but only for bout 6 seconds . Soap will last me
2 tires using a 5.5 ,100 ’ of hose
Ain’t it time for you to go to sleepy ? The sun is up.
Thanks. Every little bit helps. I’m washing about 200 units a month right now. Would like to be at 600.
I hate brushing! I’ll spend a little more in chemical if I never have to take the brushes out of the box.
Geeze. I’m @ 150 a month, and want no more for the year.
I was going to but nope I’m definitely not posting our numbers
Don’t pretend to my schedule, but yes it’s time for me to go sleepy lol
This customer has been a pain since day 1 for payments. Always having to be reminded and now we are over a week late. The son of the owner talked to me around the 5th of this month and said they wanted to go to once a month starting the 1st. I told them no problem. I emailed him this morning and let him know that I’d be out there next Monday / Tuesday, the days I always clean their trucks. He said that I needed to be out there tomorrow since it is the 1st.
Here was my response:
Here is the reason I cannot do it carte blanche every 1st of each month. I have bi-weekly contracts done on Wednesday and Thursdays. If the 1st falls on that day I have to decide which customer gets the cleaning that day. I have set up my schedule so certain days of the week are dedicated to certain customers. I have set aside Monday and Tuesday morning for Runner Freight and will not allow another customer to occupy those mornings.
Should I have added anything? To me this is should have been pretty self explanatory that I wouldn’t just be cleaning on the 1st of every month. I am a dumbass for not spelling this out in more detail when we spoke earlier this month.
You forgot to add.
GO POUND SAND ! Its getting on winter months soon, Ppl that take care of their bread and butter actually get the units cleaned more often in
climates were snow and salt are present.
Good luck with your junk sir. We {@ the pressure is on} take pride in our work, you obviously do not. Have a great winter sir …
Something like that.
Give me there Email address, I’ll do it for ya.
Haha! I try to stay professional. But this is one I really don’t care that drops off. It is an easy $675 a month though and that’s why it’s hard to not tell him to go f*ck himself. I go and clean 8 -10 trucks on Monday and do the last 5-7 the next day as they are the ones out of town. I spend maybe 4-5 hours on this at the most.
Surprisingly he hasn’t responded. And the wife said he doesn’t get ■■■■ cleaned until he pays. Told her I can’t be like that as some are just slower than others and don’t want to run them off. Hy-Vee for example, they wanted to have Net-15 but they don’t cut their checks till that Saturday after those 15 days so I usually get paid Net-20 to Net-25 and I am fine as I know their schedule. These guys have to be reminded routinely and I still get no correspondence regarding they even seen the invoice or when they plan on paying it.
Luckily they are the only ones with the slow pay. I’d like to institute late payment fines but really don’t want to run them off as it is easy to clean these trucks. And it’ll be easier with the fleet prep
Smart women ya got there.
I’ve never been able to collect late penalities. Just fill your time with accounts that value your services enough to ummm pay you lol I like to “gift” these accounts to my competitors
I get ya. You just started, and you need every account that you fought 4 this summer to tide you over till spring. I’ve been there. We all have I’m assuming. But there will be a day when you gotta say enough is enough after you get to the point when you have to drop dead accounts to add better ones. That’s when @dperez advice is strongly recommended.
Awesome Idea !
Until he adds a 15% “convience” fee for all the jerking around they did with him lol
I like the CC idea. I may start going to that, will just have to figure out how it’ll work when I use the same invoicing as before (Joist Pro).
Once I get the clients I am dropping these guys if they don’t get their ■■■■ together. These trucks get pretty damn dirty with their bugs, the only hard part to clean on these trucks. Once I get enough, these guys go back to bi-weekly or they find a new vendor.
Bugs are so easy man! I think a truck covered in layers and layers of them just does it for me. I really love to strip them off. Funnest part for me, that and wheels lol