Who on here builds skids? I remember reading someone saying they did, but can’t find that post anymore…
Or alternatively is anyone selling a bare skid? Where is the best place to buy a new skid? 3R sells them built out, not seeing any bare for sale… also looks like they get their skids from Midwest Washing Equipment out of Indy… there is another shop in Youngstown that I forget the name of (monster builds or something similar)… anyone know of others around the Midwest area for local pickup to save some $$$ on freight.
@Firefighter4hire (VA) does
@marinegrunt (Midwest if memory serves) was, but I haven’t seen him on here in over a year
@Innocentbystander (NC) I think was toying with it, but you would have to ask him and he is in the middle of a disaster area now
@TexasPressureWashing (TX go figure)builds some skids/trailers
There are some others. These are just my recollections and subject to a faulty memory.
This may have been a common website known. Just putting it here
I was thinking of firefighter4hire
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Yea, unfortunately they are on the west coast and freight adds up quick
We ship the skids on a pallet broken down after assembly with instructions to reassemble. Reduces shipping cost and the chance for damage.
Stacking dimes…
I lucked out and found a deal not too far away on a used skid, 100 gallon tank, 48” buyers box, and gas tank.
Seen that on the marketplace……he has like 3 of them, 2500.00 each I thought?
Only has 1 left now.
Got a couple hot water machines available as well, 5GPM 3500PSI $3.2K
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Awesome! Glad you found one. Looks good
Low hours? Good condition? might be what I need for decks.
200ish hours… here is the link: Redirecting...
Hey just noticed this thread! I think you were looking for Mobile Skids in Youngstown! You can find him on Facebook under Mobile Skids or Lee Rumple! He’s the man!
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Yup that’s the one, unfortunately I messaged him via facebook and email but didn’t hear back… found a good deal on a used one for the time being but will consider in the future if building more.
Post back here if you need to get in contact with him again! I have his cell! I know he had an issue with an admin guy the past few months. Seems like a phone call is the best way to reach him.