Trailer spare tire and jack

I went back and forth, but I found a nice mount for the side rail for about 10 bucks. Saves a ton of space on the bed.


Looks good! Just a thought, what about something for the tire itself to sit on so you don’t have the weight of the spare bouncing & putting additional stress on the side rail.

There is a vertical rail behind the tread (can’t see it) so that the tire pulls up tight against the top, vertical and bottom rail and holds very steady. I agree, if not for these additional supports, it does put a lot of twisting stress on the top rail. It is also tight up against the fender support on the lower part of the tire. If it was just attached to an unsupported top rail, It would twist and bounce around for sure. Check out this helpful video for this specific trailer rail type: It shows how it works very well:

As long as youre happy with it, im happy with it! I just want your equipment to last as long & be in the best shape possible for as long as possible. Just another thought… Make sure you pull it off every once in awhile & check that the spare isn’t wearing due to vibration on that vertical support. Maybe rotate it slightly when you put it back on?