Trailer rig stolen

Guys, my trailer with equipment was stolen Sunday night. If you would watch the video and keep an eye out for any items someone is selling in your area on Craigslist or pawn shops. Big ticket items was a Pressure Pro Hot Water 5.5 gpm skid with a horizontal burner and vanguard engine. Also had an 8gpm machine with a 13hp Honda motor cold unit on it. The other big ticket item was a wheelbarrow type orange Rigid air compressor with dual tanks and I think a 5 hp Honda motor. Here is the video and please let me know if you see or know anything.

Man that sucks. Hope at least some of your gear turns up for you!

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Dang that sucks. Hope you insurance will cover that.

Man that sucks Jeremy. I remember you putting this trailer video out. If it’s not on there yet I’ll post a thread on this at TGS & PWC bb’s. Unbelievable what’s going on these days.

I posted the same titled thread “Trailer Rig Stolen” with your exact same post here and a workable YouTube link on TGS & PWC bb’s… Good luck.

Thank you John! You guys all rock and shows how we all look after each other.

Jeremy, any update on finding or getting your equipment back?

Are you totally unable to go out and clean? I have a new trailer with a 8.5gpm hot water skid and a 400 gal tank and all hoses etc if you need to use for a month or so until you can get back up and going. Have to get it from SC to you though.

Wow! That’s awesome, Bob. What a nice gesture.

I know you weren’t doing it for recognition, Bob, but that is a very cool thing to offer.

Our members really look out for each other. Right after the tornado hit Hattiesburg Rodney Brown was texting me trying to bring generators, fuel, whatever I needed. We were fine, but that really hit me in the heart.

What a great bunch of folks!

Bob, thank you so much for your offer. This is the true meaning of us networking together…people going out of their way to help a fellow brother out. You truly are a great guy to offer! I still had an 8gpm cold machine with a hot box on it mounted on my truck that they didn’t get. I’m just down to one machine now, but hopefully I will be back on my feet this year and able to replace some equipment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart again Bob for the offer!

I’ve been through difficult things in the past, and what made it all possible was support from others that just came and offered. Jeremy, I know you’ve gone through a couple personal things in the recent past you shared with me, and then I see you take another hit with the trailers loss, so I just felt called to offer what I had to help. Great to be part of this group.