Too long of a run?

Lights are stepped down from 48v

The step down helps. I didn’t see a tap coming off of one of them but it never hurts to check.Is the solar across 48v or charging them individually? If it is across 48, I’m afraid it’s not going to help as much as you’d like. I ran into the mismatch issue and 12v taps all the time when I was teaching battery maintenance to the military. All their vehicles are 24v with 2 - 6 batteries so you dealt with series and series parallel.

I’ve got the positive on the first battery and the negative on the last battery, if that makes sense. If they charge over the week it sits down there I’ll be happy. That’s how I have our solar bank hooked up and it keeps the fridge running 24/7 and runs the lights and tv over the weekend. All the solar bank are the same AGM batteries and running a Kodiak inverter to monitor the charge. Keep giving me bad news and you are going to have to help me pay for cart batteries lol.

My brother is down today and posted this

Looks good! Estimating 8 hrs per day of getting the entire 45 watts should give you about 52 amps per 7 days. Depending on how much you use it over the weekends you might still want to plug it in when you’re there but it should help keep things going. I can’t buy your batteries so I had to find something encouraging to say. We have a golf cart out at the ranch, it has a dumb charger so we unplug it before we leave or it boils out the batteries but weeks go by between trips out there in the summer. It’s too hot to do anything but go out there to mow and make sure the protein feeder is full.

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