Tired of cold weather

We had our blizzard


Haha haha… we have -40 to -60 windchills tomorrow. Salt doesn’t work that cold, I’ll be home for the next few days


I’ve been looking like I’m on Mt. Everest washing in the am. Suited up from the mask and goggles down to the muck boots with several layers. By noon I’m burning up with my long sleeves pulled up. The weather here is ridiculous but I’m not complaining. Could be much worse, as in a couple foot of snow. I doubt I’ll see snow this year.

Edit: or 40 degree wind chills :flushed:

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ME TOO!!! I am so excited! I am going after work to get junk food! It’s gonna be great!!


What a year it’s been. Cool, wet spring, sudden change to hot and muggy with NO relief, then 89f on Oct 12 (ish) and sudden drop to 45 in 24 hours. We haven’t had a 70f day since.

I miss Colorado weather.

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All of metro Atlanta is shut down today. Every school, every government office, we have had trucks out day and night, salting, laying down rocks and brine.

We got 0.5 inches in some spots, trace in others.



Northeast of Atlanta here. Snow puddle at the end of the driveway.

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I need to be a traveling snow plow crew… I know when the snow hit the Carolina’s crews from all over the mid-west went and made a killing!

This was just posted:


Today’s cold weather was a blessing! No work as safety officer! Never left my pajamas until now. Threw meatballs and bbq sauce in the crock pot this morning and I’ve just ate a few each time I walked by. Best day I’ve had in a few weeks!


Two weeks ago we were supposed to get 8-12"…got about 5". Two days ago we were supposed to get 1-3"…got 6". -10* the other day to mid 50’s on Monday. #crazyohioweather